Thursday, April 27, 2006

Recommended Readings

Is the end of Air America Near??? Matt Drudge says so but remember that the left is full of Rich Leftys. These leftys have kept their propaganda machines alive, and this is only the New York City afflilate. The one station that gave AAR (and Socialist Talk Radio) a fighting chance was KPOJ-AM in Portland, OR. KPOJ BTW is owned by Clear Channel.

The Nation is a classic example of how this magazine would have gone belly under had it not been for the deep pocket leftists.

Here some pieces regarding the current Gas Prices:

Emmett Tyrell

Thomas Sowell

Ann Coulter

Debra Saunders

Ross MacKenzie plus his thoughts on the Mexican Invaders, and Wal-Mart getting into the banking business.

Larry Elder revisits the statement about our milltary are the liberaters of Iraq

Pushing the Fair Tax Paperback, Drilling for Oil, Government Schools in Atlanta, and why you should help keep Air America on the air. Neal Boortz tells you all the above.

Cal Thomas talks about the movie United 93. Try to see this movie if you can.

This year the Oscars were truly about the elites. That nothing as as Brent Bozell looks at this years Pulitzer Prizes. Pulitzer are for the Print Jounalists who are 'Progressive' in their thinking.

Meanwhile the "Progressive" media include the old standbys (CBSNBCABCNYTNPRWPostLATetc) are gunning for Tony Snow

One of those elements of the Progressive Media that wants to make Snow Freeze is Darth Fargo himsef.

His opening comments

Fargo's interview with Turncoat Brock

Remember Dee Dee Myers??? That was Clinton's girl regarding the Press. She knows she has a friend in Darth Fargo

Rupert Mudoch who created the evil FOX News Channel, is calling BBC's Bluff regarding their newest creation. A Digtial Empire funded by the People of the UK via the Color TV Fee/Tax. A classic reason why we need to defund our equivalents (PBS & NPR) here.

Discoverthenetwork has a great profile on the BBC

As much as I love certain sitcoms and dramas that were cranked out by the BBC. I still have to call them on the carpet regarding their left wing ideals.

The New York Times aka The Gray Lady supports Greenpeace in their attempt to build a windfarm in Uncle Teddy land


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