Recommended Readings
Recap on what our leaders said on the Sunday TV Talk Shows. Did you see the Speaker of the House 'Too Be' on 'Meet The Press.' Man she was on a roll, and Clinton's former monkey who hosts 'This Week' had hopes of her being Speaker.
How bad is the Mexican Invasion??? Click here to find out how the try to bring their children into our nation
Maybe the CIA could do some good with a guy that served in the Milltary
Beware the Phantom Tax Bill. Robert Novak fills us in.
Star Parker introduces us to a Republican who gets the job done.
The Kerry states that the Bush Administration is promoting intolerance and suppressing dissent when it comes to the war in Iraq. Please Kerry, its all about sticking it not only to the Bushies but to America ITSELF!!!
Neal Boortz's thoughts on...Why America is not in the Top 10 regarding economic freedom, "Greedy Developers," Thoughts on the Catholic Church leaders regarding "The Da Vinci Code," Letter from Iran,the Democratic Plan in a nut shell, and the Katrina Effect.
Rick Santorum talks about how China surpress Freedom and how people crave it when they never had tasted it before.
Uncle Teddy talks about Government being accountable, but 'America's Royal Family' is truly above the law. Jeff Jacoby has his thoughts.
Mike Adams Presents his Top 10 conspiracy theories.
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