Friday Readings
Bernie Sanders Complains about Talk Radio and gives kind words for Air America. Hey if The (Socialist) Nation can find limo leftys and survive so can Air America.
Michael Barone talks about the left reliving the Watergate/Socialist days, and how that is now blowen up in their face.
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz
The outrage from the left in general only proved Ann Coulter's point about how the left uses "victims" to forward their agenda. Mark Davis explains this.
Mike Rosen has his take on Coulter and the Left Wing "Victims," and why leftys like the Gray Lady's Maureen Dowd get a pass from the Media (The Answer is ever so Clear).
One more piece about Coulter. This time from David Limbaugh.
If their is anyone that the Media would love to Take Out more than Bush, its the state of Israel, Mona Charen points out that the Gray Lady pulled a Mary Mapes/Dan Rather recently to make Israel look bad. READ ON!!!
Charles Krauthamer talks about on on-going conflict between Israel-Palestine and how Hamas in control does make it any better.
If its one thing the UN will do, they will disarm the adverage citizen (no surprise since they want to rule the world). Mary Katharine Ham reviews Wayne LaPierrce (of the NRA) new book about how the UN wants to Ban Guns.
Ann Coulter is only saying what many people feel. She is not only a voice for herself, but for all those who cannot express the same thoughts for fear of reprisals in the workplace, public gatherings, and their own lives.
She has enough clout as not to worry that she will be fired for expressing her views.
I have heard liberal democrats say far worse and never be held to the scrutiny and contempt that she has.
This issue is proof positive that liberals and conservatives are not held to the same standards. Liberals, for the most part, are given passes on their views and controversial statements.
To read my post about Ann’s appearance on Leno on Wednesday evening, visit We welcome all views and opinions, no matter how ridiculous they are.
8:31 AM
I agree with you on everything you said Texas Truth.
At times we need a loose cannon that will call a spade a spade and not back down when the kitchen get hot. Too often those who believe in individual freedom and liberty are intimdated by the left who cry and scream that they are misunderstood but yet they are advocating Public Policy that takes away individual freedom and liberty.
Their is no need to call most leftys Communists or even Socialists. They are "Authoritarians" and they want to call the shots just like they friends did in Russia (during its Soviet Union days), China, Cuba, North Korea etc etc
12:57 PM
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