Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Readings

Today's Comments from Neal Boortz Fair Tax Rally in Orlando be sure to attend if you live in the area. Reps. from the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee will also be down at the rally. Make it count, we need to let the GOP know that this is a issue THEY can run with.

David Limbaugh shows the two-faces of the Democrats when it comes to the term anti-Semite. They just prove they want Iraq to Fail.

What other Country has been given a time limit to beat back the agression after they have been attacked. Non other than Israel. Charles Krauthammer explains.

Making Voting Easy????? How about making Voting difficult???? Jonah Goldberg points out why making it difficult is a good ideal.

Here is a piece by Duncan Currie about the recent victory for Private Property Rights in the state of Ohio.

Some in the American Psychological Association are getting Anti-Milltary. Read This to find out all about it.

The Trial Lawyers will always find someone to push around if they continue to be allowed to do what they do. Mike Rosen says their current target is Farmers and Ranchers. We need Tort Reform NOW!!!


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