Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday Readings

The Socialist Media take pleasure when a Newspaper drops Ann Coulter. Here are a few more papers that dropped her.

Coutler called Cronkite the dirty skunk that he is in her book "Treason." Cronkite cost us Vietnam, and in the process many innocent lives were lost not only in Vietnam but in Cambodia as well. All because Cronkite and much of the media at large tend to support those who oppress peoples desires to be free, rather than have the "people" submit to some kind of dicatorship, and that want people like Cronkite want. People under the thumb of dictators. I have more about this man that should have not been "Trusted" after today's readings.

This blog will continue to link Ann Coulter's pieces, since she is not popular with the liberals, and why would she??? This week she looks back at The Kerry's Campaign Promises, and many nasty things Muslim Terrorists did since the Beloved Jimmy Carter. Carter continues to empower Communist/Socialists leaders all over the world by the way. Are Americans foolish enough to give a Democrat the Oval Office again??? Kiss yourself Goodbye if you do.

Robert Novak tell the Republicans to run on the issue of our Courts and the judges the Dems DON'T WANT TO SEE on them. Good Ideal the Dems only want Liberals on the Courts and good to great lengths to make sure they never serve.

Larry Elder calls Bush on the Carpet for finally pandering to the NAACP or the NAALCP as Rush likes to call them. Could Bush tell them that the Democrats in Government have redefined the Plantation. Can't own slaves privatley, but our Government sure can own slaves and its not limited to just blacks.

This piece by Cal Thomas says it best. Total Destruction of Hezbollah. Hezbollah are members of "The Dogs of War." Hezbollah will take and Israel will give. Israel must DIE, so that Hezbollah (and Muslism Terrorists) may LIVE!!!!

Senate looks into Drilling Oil in the Gulf Coast. Don't hold your breath, the Enviormental Socialists will pitch a fit and the bill will fail. Think the Soviet Union was a clear place...Nope but at least at caried about "the people." NOT!!!

The Elite TV Critics sub Roger Alies and FOX News. Big Deal those critics just a bunch of Champagne Drinking liberals anyway.

A Victory for the Private Property Owner in Ohio. A loss for Eminent Domain abuse.

I almost forget to link today's comments from Neal Boortz and its a MUST READ today.

You can lose the Good Life in this Country anyday know. Another Terrorist attack should do it. Victor Davis Hanson explains.

2008 has taken its grip on DC. Jonah Goldberg talks about it in the piece called the "Michael Dukakis Moment."


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