Friday, December 17, 2004

Morning News & Commentary

Bush will sign intelligence overhaul bill

Hearing Set for Saddam's Defense Minister

Viktor Yushchenko got a taste of TCDD and this was suppose to take him out FOR GOOD.

Gunman kills himself at Rev. Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral

The heads at Turkey don't like with the EU demands

Witnesses: 3 Foreigners Killed in Iraq

Senior Palestinian Authority official: Free convicted terrorist. Worse yet he wants to lead

Jimmy Carter will supervise Palestinian Authority elections. Be afraid BE VERY AFRAID!!!

Principal Has Cops Cuff 5-Year-Old

World Net Daily reports on a story that the Gay Community might be behind Target's actions aganist the Salvation Army. I am not gay basher but since I did link stories about Target and the Salvation Army I shall link this one too.

Castro's Grandaughter Takes U.S. Citizenship

Is the arab media saying something nice thing about the U.S.???

FCC's Powell lets the Private Ryan showing slide. To you pruds and "family values" people out their GET OVER IT!!!


Charles Krauthammer is not ready to say goodbye to Christmas

Jeff Jacoby talks about Christmas in the eyes of those in Iraq

Emmett Tyrrell reminds us that the lefty's will never sleep and shows the double standard of the left when it comes to human rights

Rich Lowry warns of Reactionary liberalism and how that will be in effect during Bush's second term.

One thing the reactionary left will do is keep Social Securty and New Deal intact. Jonah Goldberg reminds us that FDR has been taking the dirt nap for quite some time now. Plus Goldberg shows how the so-called PROgressives are really REgressives.

Looking for books give as presents??? Thomas Sowell presents his list

Mike Rosen says that the left sees our Constitution is an obstacle and tries to rewrite it to meet their needs. Rosen calls that a violation the of checks and balances among our three ring government.

How the Jewish grinch stole Christmas. Burt Prelutsky (who is Jewish) shows how Jews did right some of most loved "Christmas" songs and how Jews (likely in name only) support groups like the ACLU.

Token Lefty Piece by Robert Kuttner and says the government could have really helped young people if "Health Securty" (government run health care) got passed.

Lets do a face off on an important topic of today. The topic is "The National ID Card."

Devvy Kidd says the ID CARD is the gravest threat to individual liberty since the foundcation of the nation

Robert Kuttner back again and he gives us reason why a National ID card is not a bad ideal.

Holiday Lyric Line

I have traveled many moonless nights,
Cold and weary with a babe inside,
And I wonder what I’ve done.
Holy father you have come,
And chosen me now to carry your son.
Yesterday I highlight a song that speaks to Mary the mother of Jesus. Today I do song from her point of view. The lyric line comes from the song "Breath of Heaven" written by Chris Eaton and popularized by Amy Grant. This song was also recorded by Vince Gill (Grant's husband), Donna Summer, Jessica Simpson, and Eaton himself.

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