Thursday, September 22, 2005

Air America Associates (Followup)

Well has reported on this story and says that Radioequalizer is piching a fit. Yes Rush Limbaugh made without help from adverage folk or begging for money on the air. It should be kept in mind that commerical operations asked for money in the past. AAR is not the first and not the last.

Allaccess reports that Ted Turner (yes THAT Ted Turner) had a beg-athon to save WRET-TV in Charlotte, NC. The people came through and the station was saved. Turner would sell the station and the station is know known as WCNC-TV affliated with the NBC network. Mike Rosen who does a local radio talk show on KOA-AM in Denver stated that the Washington Times (the right leaning newspaper by the way) asked for funds for its readers. The paper is still with us.

I too have seen this in the Colorado Springs radio market as well. One of the early attempts to bring a Christian Adult Contemporary station into the market had the station asking for funds from the listeners. However the station kept losing money and went under. Another commercial radio station broadcasting a Christian AC signed on with the same business plan. Commericals and listener support. Its parent company was technally a Non-Profit. Eventually the station was sold and now gets its money from commerical advertising 100%.

Look if Rush Limbaugh says the left is losing their marbles, then why are certain people on the right afraid of AAR, Stephanie Miller, Lionel, and Darth Fargo?

Are you afraid that the sheeple will believe them instead of us? All we need to show the those who don't know is that the liberal/progressives/leftys will only enslave us to bigger and growing goverment should they get into power. We also need to show that goverment takes wealth and can never create it, and that eventually the goverment will fall apart when they can no longer provide what it has promiced. We must also show that the Class Warfare playbook is nothing but a smoke screen to justify higher taxes and bigger goverment. If we keep sending those messages, we should still be able to keep the Democrats from gaining majority power.

Lets us not forget that the Dems never saw a communist that they ever hated. These commies were the great hope to these people that Socialism would prevail and work for the long term. Hey their always Fidel Castro, the left see him as a man of the "people." Had to kill a few of them to keep the rest in line. Castro is indeed as strong as an ox.


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