Air America Associates
Well, well, well. Their were a few Air America Radio posts that Allan Sniffen removed from his New York Radio Message Board site just a few seconds ago as I typed this. Billy OR is going to talk about how AAR may be on its last legs on his TV show on FOX News. However the AAR supports are still optimistc in hopes that their Socialist Talk Radio Network will still prevaile. Also someone posted this E-Mail on the NYRMB (that too is gone thanks to Sniffen) from AAR CEO Danny Goldberg in how the left can support and get the word out about their beloved network.
Dear Air America Radio Listener,
When we launched the Air America Radio network one year ago, the country was being talked to death by conservative zealots like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and others. Right Wing radio saturated every media market and every community – a dominance of the airwaves that has been a huge part of what allowed the Right Wing to:
Drag America into the Iraq war.
Open up the Arctic National Refuge for oil drilling.
Take over both houses of Congress.
And, of course, win the 2004 Presidential election.
Rather than wait for the Right Wing to run out of breath, we launched Air America Radio to give the country back its voice. Thanks to listeners like you, we have a presence on 70 stations covering 60% of U.S. media markets. Air America Radio currently offers 15 shows and runs 24 hours a day of entertaining – at times irreverent – but always enlightening programming.
To continue this great success story and start shaping the national debate the way that Right Wing talk radio does every day, we've got to reach into every community in this country. We know we can’t achieve this next stage of growth without significant help from you, our loyal listeners.
We’ve also been asked on many occasions by our listeners how they can help out. Today we are launching a new program called AIR AMERICA ASSOCIATES that gives you the opportunity to do just that.
As an Air America Associate, you are a member of a special group of listeners who support Air America Radio and are dedicated to building the Air America community. When you sign up, we will send you a packet of bumper stickers to remind you that your job as an Associate is to spread the word about Air America Radio to other progressives in your workplace, your family, and your neighborhood.
Also, as an Air America Associate, you'll be kept informed of events in your area and receive a monthly Associates insider newsletter with backstage news from our shows and our headquarters. And in time, when we launch our paid services, as an Associate you will be eligible for special discounts for premium content.
Rush Limbaugh didn't take over our airwaves by himself – he had an army of "dittoheads" behind him. We will never reach the same critical mass that he has without our listeners helping us as well. So, please become an Air America Associate today by clicking here:
Thank you very much for your support,
Danny Goldberg
Air America Radio CEO
I have to give credit to these leftys. They are determed to take this country towards the socialist utopia that his been in their heads for years. I do agree with Rush Limbaugh regarding the Dems being honest with the rest of America (outside of their core supporters) regarding their agenda for America. I tend to agree; Just come and say your socialists for once you guys.
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