Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Recommended Readings

Neal Boortz talks about ratting out the Minutemen, Government Education at work, CNN, and "Doom and Gloom" thinking today.

Could all this reporting on diseases and afflictions be overkill??? John Stossel looks into this.

What helps People more? Charity or benefiting from other people out for their own self interest? This is truly a great question and to give you an answer is Walter Williams.

Thomas Sowell talks about America's favorate subject of moment...Gas Prices. He also asks if "thinking" is out of style.

Linda Chavez calls Michael Hayden not only a right choice but a savvy choice as well. She also has somethings to say about those dreaded 'Wiretaps."

Herman Cain writes an Open Letter to the Mexican Invaders, and tells them the different between them and how Cain's ancestors came into our Country.

James Pinkerton gives the GOP an issue to run on. Click Here to find out all about it.

The Department of Homeland Security is a says Michelle Malkin.


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