Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tuesday Readings

Castro may finally die and its about time. I am not sorry for what I said Fidel Castro is an evil man, allthough his brother Raul might be able to keep the Communist Utopia in Cuba alive and may be even more dangerous than his older brother.

Today's comments from Neal Boortz.

Thomas Sowell thinks we need a draft in order to get the Youthful Idiots to understand the good things about our country. Not A Bad Ideal.

World Opinion: WHO CARES!!!! Dennis Prager says world opinion has never mattered. Many countries have killed people and the world still sings "Give Peace a Chance." Shame.

Senate Democrats Plan $25 Million Ad Blitz

David Limbaugh compares John Bolton to John Kerry regarding the approach to foreign policy.

Here is something you will NOT read or see in the mainline media. Gitmo guards endure attacks from inmates. Sad.

Charles K. says that the Israel/Hezbollah conflict is part of the War on Terror.


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