Friday, August 11, 2006

ABC Shuffles Fall Lineup a Bit

Well it looks like "Ugly Betty" is going to kick off ABC Thursday, and Betty is going to go after NBC's "My Name is Earl" and "The Office" and CBS's "Survivor." ABC feels that Betty has a better chance of becoming a hit for Alphabet/Mouse Network. Meanwhile two brand new sitcoms "Big Day" and "Notes from the Underbelly" will be benched until futher notice. I say ABC made the right move, this might be the one that finally could give Survivor a run for money, plus a great lead in to "Grey's Anatomy." NBC meanwhile has more to be concerned about, while Earl proved to be a breakout hit, The Office still has to equal or better the number of Earl. A move to Thursday did help The Office but it really need more push, promotion and encoragment from the fans and the elites.

Story from

Could this be sign for thing to come on Thursday Nights???. Maybe but we have to wait until the fall.


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