Thursday Readings
British Agents stop a Terrorist attack. Don't you Anti-War Idiots Get It???
Readers demand that one paper keep Ann Coulter.
Here is her piece this week and this one is about the Dems Anti-War direction thanks to Ned Lamont putting Joe in "his place."
Larry Elder goes after Hollywood for their double standard regarding anti-Semitism.
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz.
Tim Chapman says Its not your father's Dem Party. I tend to agree.
Thomas Sowell is doing his cliffhanger columns again
Studies Prove Part 1
Studies Prove: Part 2
The title says it all Media ignores or downplays homegrown terror attack in Seattle. Joel Mowbray explains.
Cal Thomas now calls the San Fran Dems the "Taliban Democrats." This one is a MUST READ!!!
Why does the Islamic World hate Israel so much??? Michael Medved answers that question.
It is NOT about Israel but the Wild Wild West. Victor Davis Hanson explains.
Hillay's statement that took Rummy to the "woodshead" was nothing but an attempt for the HildaBeast to look good with the anti-war left. Robert Novak explains.
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