Saturday, August 26, 2006

Saturday Readings

Bert Prelutsky is someone that gets selected for Jury Duty but never gets called. He recalls the days when he wrote for several Crime Dramas and what shows he currently looks at.

Pull Out Now and Terrorism comes to US!!!! Donald Lambro has his take.

WhRobert Novak has his News Roundup for the week.

Even the Department for Homeland Security wastes our good money. Ed Feulner calls for Transparent Goverment and it has Non-Partisan support.

The PC thing is to think that we are not a war with Islam. Douglas MacKinnon says he knows some levelheaded peacefull Muslims, but say we are at war with Islam Extremists.

Spike Lee recently made a movie (or 'Joint' as he likes to call it) regarding Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath. Star Parker deconstructs his movie and shows its another movie to attack George W. Bush and promote Victimhood.

Lee is just the Black Michael Moore. That All.

Dr. Brian Day who heads The Canadian Medical Association now has turned aganist their own Socialist Health Care system. Ted Byfield explans.

Meathead is not forgiving Mel Gibson anytime soon. I hate Him!!! Meathead that is. ID Jew that is all, but his real faith is Socialism.

Say it isn't so Lieberman. You want a Pullout now???

Never Mind Lou Dobbs how about "Take That Senator Byron Dorgan." Outsourcing Boosts Wages at Home says a recent study.

Israel Is Like Hitler so says Castro's Min-Me.


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