Friday, May 20, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

The left is going syndicated talker Glenn Beck for saying that he wants to 'kill' flimmaker Michael Moore. How little we forget what lefty Randi Rhodes did on her show, but she gets as pass. Remember the mainline media is an unofficial arm of the Democratic Party. Brian Maloney talks about this.

Did you that Denver is a sanctuary city for illegals??? That and many other cities. Mike Rosen advocates now for a national ID card and ending this thing called sanctuary cities.,1299,DRMN_86_3791777,00.html

American supports our troops but can we say that of Newsweek??? Mark Alexander talks about it.

World Net Daily's Letter of the Week: Daniel John Sobieski

Kathleen Parker has her Newsweek Gate piece

Rich Lowry talks about women Priscilla Owen and how they are dangerous

Thomas Sowell adds his two cents about Owen in his piece "Big-time bigotry."

Why Islam get no respect??? Maybe muslims should learn something called "Live and let Live" rather than "Live and Let Die." Jeff Jacoby has a great piece.

Jonah Goldberg has his thoughts on the news media in his piece "A Pox on Everybody."

Hollywood loves to mock Christianity but Islam??? NO WAY!!! Brent Bozell talks about this.

Christian and Jews to react to extremes when their respected faiths get mocked. When it happens to Muslims they DO react to extremes. Mona Charen has more on this.

David Limbaugh has "A seminar in old media liberal bias."

Jack Cashill talks about the movie about Enron and how Hillary Clinton is missing from the movie...Yep the blame goes to the GOP and the Bushes...NOT!!!

Did FDR sit on his duff and wait for Japan to attack the United States. Devvy Kidd says Yes and is one of the few people out their to call FDR for the dirty skunk socialist he really is.

Why as Americans love government hand outs??? Doug French explains

Filibustering the Filibuster, this and more from Neal Boortz, plus thoughts on why Roe Vs. Wade should NOT be overturned.

Token Lefty tonight is Bill Press. Say the Arabs hate us, but Newsweek is not to blame...BUSH IS!!! is my E-Mail...drop me a line.

The 2005 Prime Time TV Fall Lineups: My Renewal Scorecard

Well all the TV networks and netlets have their new prime time lineups ready to go, and along with the new shows, their are holdovers including those that were on bubble.

Lets recap those shows

ABC: Blind Justice, Less than Perfect, 8 Simple Rules, Eyes

CBS: Listen Up, Joan of Arcadia, Judging Amy, Yes Dear

FOX: Life on a Stick, Bernie Mac, Arrested Development, Quintuplets

NBC: Will & Grace, Committed, The Office

UPN: Kevin Hill, All of Us

The WB: Jack & Bobby, Summerland

This was the big list and this excludes 60 Minutes Wed. which got canned this week.

Now here are the shows I predicted that would be renewed by their respected networks

8 Simple Rules
Arrested Development
Bernie Mac
Jack & Bobby
Joan of Arcadia
Judging Amy
Kevin Hill
The Office
Life on a Stick
Will & Grace
Yes Dear

Overalll I predicted 12 shows would be renewed. The number that got renewed: Five out of 12 shows I predicted got the green light for another year

Here are those shows.

Arrested Development: In the USA Today "save our shows" poll this one won hands down for a show that viewers wanted kept. They want to give this show one more chance before killing it for good, and FOX has granted that wish. FOX killed "Family Guy" but the fans of that respected show kept it alive and now FOX brought it back and looks like FG will stay for a long time to come. Now can that be said about Arrested Development???

Bernie Mac: Mac's health might have not been up to par, but its a token show for the African-American audience and FOX did the right thing in keeping it..

The Office: It deserves one more shot. May not be as good as its U.K. counterpart, but still better than what is out their in sitcom land. Still on Tuesdays, and I am still sticking with The Amazing Race however.

Will & Grace: Their got their their money, now please do your swan song and wrap things up

Yes Dear: CBS may hate it, the reviews may not be good, but the viewers love the two married couples protrayed on this show.

I did not do so great, better luck next year.

Now one last time, my Prime Time Fall Lineup posts in order of release


ABC & The WB



Have a great summer, and kept tuned to "The Blog According to Don."

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I have issues with Dr. James Dobson. However his piece on name calling and judges being fillbustered has qualfied for being linked here on my blog. Good Read.

More Newsweek Gate Pieces

Marvin Olasky

Gunny Bob Newman

Hal Lindsey

Claudia Rosett

Jack Cashill

Other Pieces

Howard Dean speaks his mind, and could that be his downfall and the Democratic Party as well??? Robert Novak talks about it.

Abbas must end incitement to violence says Cal Thomas

Cliff May has his thoughts about the Cold War and the current war on terrior

Here comes the "fat police" Beware. Now this piece from Larry Elder

What can we learn from ancient white males. Suzanne Fields tells about a professor who not afraid to teach us those lessons. Be on the look out for his books. What is his name??? You have to read this piece from Fields to find out.

Alan Reynolds has a piece called "Replacing Reality" and it deals with Social Securty

Cliff Kincad talks about the good press the UN gets...NOT GOOD!!!

CAIR's Hate Crimes Nonsense. Another MUST READ from Daniel Pipes, since some of these "Hate Crime" were accually ARSON done by muslims themselves...and other crimes!!!

Two Pieces from Joseph Farah

Pat Buchanan is right ... and wrong

The irresponsible 'mainstream' media

Tonights Token Lefty is Joan Vennochi. Says Newsweek made a mistake but so did Bush

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The 2005 Prime Time TV Fall Lineups: FOX & UPN

You have to hand it to FOX. When it comes to the "rules" if any regarding prime time TV, they always tend to bend and/or break them. When FOX does everyone else (CBSABCNBCUPNWB) tends to follow more/less.

FOX is also bragging about being number one in the key demo of adults 18-49, which is the first time they have done such a thing. However CBS is determined to take that crown. One thing for sure, FOX is commited to "year around first run programing" and the 2005-2006 is not out of the question. FOX has rolled out their fall lineup as well as their planned Mid Season lineup. Here is the breakdown

Fall 2005

Arrested Development has been given one more shot to find an audience and will kick off the Monday night lineup. Next up will be a new sitcom called "Kitchen Confidential." At 9/10 a drama which is in the sprit of 24 called "Prison Break." They say it will take the whole season to play this show out. Question is will it be a keeper for FOX???

Tuesdays FOX will go drama all the way with a new show called "Bones" and the return of the number one drama for the network "House." The later better not get to confortable however, but we shall talk about it when we get to midseason plans.

Wednesdays will be more fun with "That 70's Show" gang along with the returned of "Stacked" that proves at least to the viewers that watch it that Pamela Anderson can do a sitcom. I don't care for the show myself, but that is just me. The new legal drama "Headcases" will finish Wednesday nights.

FOX will keep its Soap Opera "The OC" in the 7/8 slot on Thursday nights and will pair it with "Reunion" which I will call 24 lite. Instead of 24 hours it will be 20 years in a single season.

Fridays will have Bernie Mac and Malcom and his live action Simpson family shall be moving in. The drama in the 8/9 slot is called "The Gate."

Saturdays will still be devoted to reality crime shows via Cops and America's Most Wanted, while Sundays will be devoted to adult animation. The expection to the rule will be a live action comedy called "The War at Home." War is likely a show that will teach us a lesson on how to raise teenagers when the parents got spoiled when they were around their age. Other than that Sundays will be King of the Hill, Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad. The 6/7 half hour will be reserved for an "animation encore" of one of the above animation shows, and kicks off FOX Sunday nights.

By the way their will be Baseball on FOX which will gum the works but that OK with FOX

Mid Season
House will make the move to Monday nights and will take the 7/8 slot. "Day 5" of 24 will follow. By the way 24 has been renewed for two more seasons. Jack Bauer better stay on his toes.

Tuesdays will mark the return of the four headed monster (Ryan, Simon, Paul, Randy) and the much beloved American Idol. If Idol still does well in 2006 it may be a boom to "Bones" unless the Bones tanks early in the fall. Idol was great help to making 24 and House the hits they are today.

Wednesdays: 70's and Stacked keep their time slots, but as you know the 8/9 half hour of American Idol on Wednesdays is devoted to an Ensemble number and one of them being eliminated. A new sitcom called "The Loop" will follow.

FOX plans no changes for the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday lineups in midseason.

The wildcards FOX has which they may play if any of the above shows fail are Nanny 911, Trading Spaces, Simple Life, and the scripted sitcom "Freebirds."

The FOX prime time grid for the fall and midseason and a discription of the new shows can be seen by clicking the link below.,1002,8029525112,00.html

The biggest mistake that UPN made from the beginning was putting its eggs in one basket. That basket was called the Star Trek brand. While Voyager had a great seven year run along with its recent predecessors (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine), Enterprise was not as lucky. This prequel came around when people were getting burned out of Star Trek. Enterprise will get the same honor as The Original series. Less than 100 episodes is that bitter sweet honor.

Now their is no more first run Star Trek on the small screen, and UPN needs something else to make their stay in 5th place or even better more offen. The strong links in UPN's stable are America's Next Top Model and WWE Smackdown. Veronica Mars gets one more shot with the network as it and Smackdown get moved around.

The goal of UPN is to attract females which is hard to do with a show called Smackdown.

Here is the run down on UPN's slate.

Mondays will still be a sitcom night with the returning One on One, Girlfriends, and Half and Half. All of Us moves in from Tuesdays.

Tuesday, UPN will air on encore of America's Next Top Model from last week and that will be follow by the new drama "Sex, Lies & Secrets."

The first run of American's Next Top Model will kick off Wednesdays and will be parred with "Veronica Mars."

After four years of WWE Smackdown on Thursday nights, UPN will move the two hour Sports Opera to Fridays. Thursdays will now become another sitcom night with "Everybody Hate Chris" based on Chris Rock's childhood along with returning shows Eve and Cuts. The other new sitcom on Thurdays is Love Inc. starting Shannen Doherty who just can't keep a job. Doherty was a regular on Charmed and Beverly Hills 90210 both of which did fine without her. Also starting in Love Inc. is Holly Robinson Peete best known for her roles in the 1980's crime drama 21 Jump Street (She also sang the show's theme song by the way) and the late 1990's sitcom "For Your Love."

A midseason pick up for UPN is "South Beach" which has Jennifer Lopez as executive producer.

The prime time grid for UPN and what the new shows are about can be seen by clicking the link below.,1002,8029525312,00.html

Well their you have it. The fall lineup.

If you missed anything here are the links from the previous post in this series


ABC & The WB


A few weeks ago I made predictions on what shows will be renewed. On Friday I shall wrap up this series of posts with my score card and we shall see how I faired.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Neal Boortz on Newsweek, Islam and their treatment of women & Children, Condi and more

The gimme generation rips off the system via a new scam, and Walter Williams arms you with knoweldge to fight back.

Free Trade sliping sliding away. Michael Savage may be happy about it but what about Tony Blankely who writes this piece

Is tap water better than the water you by at store??? 20/20's John Stossel looks into this. The results may surprise you.

Terence Jefferey has some things to say about the Guest-Working plan.

Better late than ever Ann Coulter has her Newsweek gate piece

Jonah Goldberg talks about the American Snatchers.

How can both side reduce abortion. Lefty EJ Donnie explains...however he does not quallfy for the honor of "tonights token lefty" regarding this piece. For you anti-abortion people this is a good read. Help these women out the best you can. Otherwise don't force them to become Mothers.

Tonight's Token Lefty are the Newsweek supporters other than Molly Ivins since I linked her piece yesterday

Boulder Daily Camera

Matthew Rothschild

Ari Berman

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The 2005 Prime Time TV Fall Lineups: CBS

Since we are going to talk about CBS and what will be on the Prime Time slate at the network, I just want to remind you that have some MORE Newsweek Gate readings following this post on CBS's fall lineup.

Now on with this CBS fall prime time post:

The ever famous Tiffany Network (whatever that means) has reclamed the number one spot in the "Amazing" Network Race (pun intended) in most places.

While struggling to find shows that would attract the 18-49 demo in the 1990's along with losing affliates to FOX as well. CBS always did attract older demos and was challanged when it comes of trying to go young. The 1990's was not the first time. Remember when CBS was moving away from TV shows in the early 1970's that promoted the rual American (Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, even Hee Haw) in the 1970's??? Someone named Norman Lear came along and helped CBS accomblish their goal starting with All in the Family.

Getting back to the 21st Century however...

CBS finally hit pay dirt with shows that attact those young demos. Those shows include the game operas Survivor, and The Amazing Race. The CSI brand also has brought in the young demos as well. Thursdays are right now the strongest link for CBS with Survivor, CSI: Las Vegas, and Without A Trace.

Yesterday's ad in the Gray Lady (New York Times) by CBS is full of bragging rights.

Number 1 with adults 18-49

Number 1 with adults 25-54

Number 1 Upscale 25-54

Number 1 Viewers

Most Top 10 and Top 20 shows.

However FOX accually gets the honor of the 18-49 demos in certain areas because it had the Super Bowl this year.

Neverless CBS has reclamed their crown. The challange never ends however and they must defend their crown from the three main rivals (ABC, FOX, NBC).

First of all 60 Minutes has been canned...The Wednesday night one that is. The old Sunday night standby will keep "Ticking"(pun intended)

Raymond is gone but CBS is commited to sitcoms on Mondays. "King of Queens" is moving back to Mondays to kick things off and "Two and a Half Men" also stays on Monday nights, but will take Raymond's time slot. They shall be greating two new sitcoms. One is called ""How I Met Your Mother" and yes this is a sitcom based on flashbacks...I'd be surprised if this one lasts. It stars Neil Patrick Harris ("Stark Raving Mad," "Doogie Howser, M.D.") and Alyson Hannigan ("Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Bob Saget (Full House) will narrate the flashbacks.

The other show is called "Out of Practice" which puts Henry "The Fonz" Winkler back in front of the camera after his failure with "Monty" on FOX about a decade back. Crime Drama CSI:Miami wraps up the Monday night lineup. "Listen Up" with Seinfeld's Jason Alexander by the way is gone.

Tuesdays will be devoted to more NCIS and two more races around the world on The Amazing Race. The one Race coming this fall will involve families in teams of four. Judging Amy however has been canceled in spite of good ratings (but not with the 18-49 crowd), and will be replaced with a Jerry Bruckheimer project called Close to Home and stars Jennifer Finnigan who is coming out of NBC's sitcom bomb "Committed." Pior to that Finnigan made a few apperances on NBC's Crossing Jordan, and before that she protrayed Bridget Forrester on the CBS daytime drama The Bold and the Beautiful. During her years on B&B (2000-2004) she has won the Daytime Emmy for Best Young Actress three years straight. Sort of a homecomming for Finnigan. For her sake I hope it lasts.

On Wednesdays the first hour of prime time will be devoted to sitcoms. Still Standing will kick things off on its new day followed by "Yes Dear" which CBS does not really like (or so I heard) but still pulls in decent numbers. Up next are two crime dramas. The first one is called "Criminal Minds" which is co-production of Viacom and Disney. In this show the FBI profiles the most twisted criminal minds thus the title. The main players have an area of expertise. The other Crime Drama is CSI: NY which returns for a second season.

Thursdays will remain the same with Survivor, CSI, and Without a Trace which has become the "Must See TV" of the moment, and the strongest night for CBS.

Fridays will have shows with supernatural themes and Sci-Fi and man it seems that the networks is trying some kind of Sci-Fi. We shall find out what FOX and UPN come up with on Thursday. FOX for sure has some supernatural themed shows for sure.

However that will not include "Joan of Arcadia" which has been canned for its buzz to bust run of two years. Instead Jennifer Love Hewitt will star in a equivalent of NBC's hit drama Medium called "Ghost Whisperer." Hewitt plays a woman who can talk with the dead. Come on CBS, this sounds like FOX's Tru Calling and that was a bomb. "Threshold" will follow and that is billed as an "alien drama." CBS however will move away from the Sci-Fi and Supernatual themes with the return of the Crime Drama which I called 'Mathnet' for adults; "Numb3rs."

As I said 60 Minutes on Sundays will still be ticking, and so will the crime drama "Cold Case" and its 'flashbacks' and use of pop music in the show followed by CBS's Sunday Night Movies new and old.

The Prime Time TV grid and complete list of the CBS fall shows can be seen by clicking the link below.,1002,8029524812,00.html

ABC & The WB: Rolled out their lineup yesterday. See my post from yesterday by clicking the link below

NBC: Rolled out their lineup on Monday. Click link below for my post on NBC

FOX & UPN: Will present their fall lineup on tomorrow, and that will be a wrap.

More Newsweek Gate Readings

Other pieces regarding Newsweek Gate (as I like to call) are in my recomemded readings from last night.

Brent Bozell

Linda Chavez

Michelle Malkin

Thomas Sowell

Rich Lowry

Jack Cashill

Burt Prelutsky

Wall Street Journal

New York Post

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

A few pieces regarding Newsweek Gate

Dennis Prager

Bill Murchison

John Podhoretz

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr

Bob Parks

Neal Boortz also have his two cents on Newsweek and More

Token Lefty for the Newsweek Gate readings will be Molly Ivins

Other Commentary Pieces

Thomas Sowell talks about the Senate's version of Dirty Harry, and unlike Harry Callahan who was played by Clint Eastwood, this Dirty Harry is no good when it comes to us surfs

David Limbaugh says the battle for judges is getting very nasty

Jack Kemp brings up the Pro's regarding the CAFTA trade agreement

Hillary & Newt making music??? When it comes to public policy I say Be VERY AFRAID!!! Cal Thomas has his take on this

Bruce Bartlett has some things to say about how the left can end their losing battle

Mychal Massie talks about how the left is trying to do the screw job on Janice Brown

Nat Hentoff also has a piece about Brown and while he has issues regarding the courts protecting corporations, he does show where Brown has ruled right. Does not quallfy for the "token lefty" but a good read to be linked here.,hentoff,63997,6.html

Name one democracy that has lasted a long time???? Give Up??? read this piece from Joseph Farah. We need to show the Middle East what our founders build and not we are selling to them now.

Christopher Hitchens asks why the media calls Islamic terrorists "insurgents?"

The United Nations is building another taxpayers expense.
John Hinderaker says the numbers for the new renovation project just don't add up.

Tonights Token Lefty outside of the Newsweek gate pieces is Robert Scheer. Clams we are our own worst enemy in Iraq

Bonus Lefty: A Speech by Bill Moyers (who truly shows his lefty colors) about keep public broadcasting in the hands of the leftys...Lets just defund it and let it go broke, unless it really gets support from the people that LIKE IT!!!

John Nichols shows his support for Moyers and this is related to his speech as linked above

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The 2005 Prime Time TV Fall Lineups: ABC & The WB

OK ABC has had a good year regarding hit shows. Lost, Desperate Housewives, and Grey's Anatomy. The later two make up ABC's Sunday Night lineup which has become the strongest link in ABC's stable. Sundays will be unchanged with their night of positive reality (AFV, EXM: Home Edition) and Prime Time Soap Operas (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy).

Meanwhile Lost will be moved to 8/9 PM on Wednesdays while the first hour (7/8) will be devoted to sitcoms with its stars in the titles. George Lopez who gets a new day and a brand new sitcom with Freddie Prinze, Jr. that follows Lopez

Alias is going to Thursdays and is going to try to exploit NBC's once powerful Thursday night lineup. Alias will air in the 7/8 timeslot against Joey and Will & Grace. Joey has proven that its no "Friends" and Will & Grace is likely singing their swan song this year. ABC will also have on Thursday nights a remake of the short lived TV series "The Night Stalker." Just one great night of TV that is full of twists and turns. Oh yea on Wednesdays following Lost, ABC will have a Science Fiction series called "Invasion" which seems to be a copy cat of the X-Files. With Jennifer Gardner about to give birth to Ben Afflack's "Devil Child" (he really needs to make some better movies for crying outloud, and I am only joking about the devil child) how will it affect Gardner's alter ego on the show Sydney Bristow. Also can Alias draw from CBS's Survivor or will Gardner be voted off the island with Aflack in tow??? :) Also can The Night Stalker send the Donald to the board room to be fired or will the Stalker be taking a cab after he gets fired???

One thing for sure CSI may still ask that question to both Trump and the Stalker;"Who the ---- are YOU?" As in the famous song by The Who which is also the theme of CSI: Las Vegas.

Mondays Nights you will get one last great season of NFL Monday Night Football before those games move to ESPN starting with the 2006 season. Don't worry Sunday Night Games will go to NBC next year. After that its The Bachelor, Emily's Reasons Why Not, Jake in Progress (getting another shot), and What About Brian. Long term challenge for ABC build a strong Monday night lineup.

An hour of Supernanny will kick off the ever famous TGIF lineup (if they still want to call it that), following by Hope & Faith and a new sitcom Hot Properties.

Tuesdays dramas include a new show in which promotes a dream that certain women wish would happen...a female President of the United States. The show called " Commander-in-Chief" and Geena Davis plays this TV president. Boston Public will also air on Tuesdays in the old NYPD Blue slot after losing Sunday nights to "Grey."

The Fall Prime Time TV grid and complete list of the new ABC shows can be seen by clicking the link below,1002,802952491,00.html

The WB
The Frog Network is now in a neck and neck battle for fifth place against UPN. The WB is still looking for a comedy hit. Reba is back for another year on Fridays, and Monday's will still be home to 7th Heaven which now enters its 10th season. Charmed also returns to its Sunday night confort zone. Amanda Bynes still has work with the show "What I Like About You."

Smallville, Everwood, and Blue Collar TV (starring Jeff Foxworthy) get new days and/or times.

A new sitcom called Twins which has nothing to do with the movie that stared Danny DeVeto and Governor Arnold. However it pairs Sara Gilbert (Roseanne, 24) with Molly Stanton in her first attempt at prime time TV. Fans of the NBC daytime drama "Passions" will remember Stanton as Charity Standish. Her formor co-star Jesse Metcalfe who played her on-camera boyfriend Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald on Passions also went to prime time TV and made it big as John Rowland on ABC's Desperate Housewives. As Rowland he is the gardner for the Solis, and Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria) has her eye on him in spite of being married. But I am getting off topic so lets get back to what will be on The Frog.

The WB also picks up a show from Jerry Bruckheimer. The show is called "Just Legal" and stars Don Johnson (Miami Vice, Nash Bridges) and Jay Baruchel.

The Prime Time TV grid and complete list of the new WB fall shows can be seen by clicking the link below.,1002,8029525211,00.html

NBC: Rolled out their lineup yesterday. See my post from yesterday by clicking the link below

CBS: Will present their fall lineup tomorrow

FOX & UPN: Will present their fall lineup on Thursday.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

If is not PC and not funny. Mike Rosen piece from last week.,1299,DRMN_86_3773447,00.html

Charles Krauthammer has a piece in which he redefines Nuclear (Option) to Restoration, and says what the Dems are doing with their beloved fillbuster is radical. This is a MUST READ!!! Heard the piece read by Mike Rosen this morning Knock On Wood.

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes. Most people pay it for months end. Doug Bandow shows in one state tax freedom day came much later than sooner.

Phyllis Schlafly sets the record straight regarding certain events in WWII, and how Bush buries the shame of Yalta.

Is their a wrong way to restore the Death Penalty??? Jeff Jacoby answers that question.

Michael Barone gives us a look at public policy in the UK

Some thoughts about Social Securty, Newsweek gate, and more from Neal Boortz

Mark Steyn warns that Bolton must get passed the full senate before going to the UN. Still Steyn says that Bolton tells the truth about the UN

George Will warns that you are about to kiss your pensions goodbye...MUST READ!!!

Victor Davis Hanson now says that WWII revisionism has become hip. With the recent piece by Pat Buchanan we really better decern what is being told to us regardng WWII

Getting the message out on Social Security. Great piece from Star Parker

William Kristol has a great ideal...Conform John Bolton before Memorial Day

Devvy Kidd warns that sending Bolton is not good enough. opposing the UN is the way to go.

Jack Kelly reminds that we have a long way to go regarding Iraq

Joseph Farah is still hammering Bush over our borders

Freebees for Illegals when it comes to their health. Barbara Simpson talks about it. MUST READ!!!

Doug Powers talks about the "Rolling Stones" and their longevty in rock music

Tonight's Token Lefty is Ellen Ratner of the Talk Radio News Service and the Talk Radio trade publication Talkers. Says those evil corporations win on backs of the "workers." Keep in mind that socialists love the collective mentality when it comes to duping the workers

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The 2005 Prime Time TV Fall Lineups: NBC

This week the networks roll out their fall lineups. Now being in age of cable, DVD's, and the like. All the networks will have some kind of first run programming during the summer. Mostly reality shows. However you still roll out your best scripted and reality programming (or what you think will be) in the fall.

This year NBC took a nose dive to fourth place. Friends spinoff Joey has not gotten the ratings that its predecessor but NBC is willing to give Joey at least one more season

Today NBC rolls out their lineup: The biggest surprise this fall is moving The West Wing from Wednesdays at 8/9 PM to Sundays at 7/8 PM.

Also the Law & Order brand has its first failure with the demise of Trial by Jury which ran on Friday nights. The reality version of Law & Order does not count allthough that one did have a decent run.

The Office which based on a British Comedy of the same name and premise gets another shot and will run on Tuesdays.

The Biggest Loser will have another series in which fat people try to lose their weight in order to win loads of money or whatever. Also will air on Tuesdays.

Also the Martha Stewart version of The Apprentice shall still be made with tasks in her speciality areas (media, home renovation, entertaining, design, merchandising, technology and style), with the canadates wanting a chance to work for her. Like Trump's version Stewart will have two advivsors watching the canadates and Stewart giving one of them the "pink slip" every week. Will Stewart have own way of saying "Your Fired!" or will she use the old stand by. We will have to wait and see. Might be hard for me to to since its likely that Stewart will go up aganist Lost on ABC.

Christian music singer Amy Grant will get her shot of hosting a reality TV show as NBC tries to cash in on the postitive reality (The Extreme Makeover shows and Supernanny both on ABC) with the show "Three Wishes."

Jerry Bruckheimer's production outfit has a show called "The E-Ring" in which takes viewers inside the Pentagon and life and death desisions that those people face everyday.

NBC also has ordered a Sci-FI series called "Fathom" in which is about a new form of sea life. Are they friends or are they foes???

Scrubs and Fear Factor should return in midseason.

The fall grid and complete list of the NBC fall lineup.,1002,802952501,00.html

NBC Execs Offer Postmortems for 'American Dreams,' 'Law & Order" Trial By Jury': Says people want family shows with their mouths but their actions say NO...ala "Desperate Housewives." L&O Trial by Jury??? Trying to get out of number four. More from,1002,271953541,00.html

Tomorrow: ABC & The WB will present their fall lineups

Wednesday: CBS

Thursday: FOX & UPN