Politicized Funerals: Expect MORE OF IT!!!
I did not talk about this yesterday cause I wanted to gather as much information on this as possible. Talk Radio was all over this, and man they pointed out what some of these people were saying.
George W. Bush had suck it up, cause when it comes to the black community they are still enslaved by the Mother of Slave Owners. That my friend would be the Democratic Party.
You know I had to find out what Darth Fargo was saying but I did not download that clip in which he proves that the Republicans were the polititcize this. Don't lie to us Fargo, Bush said nothing but he had to suck it up
I listened to Dan Caplis and Craig Silverman out of Denver's KHOW-AM. Dan is on the right and Craig is on the left. Craig defended the freedom of speech of what was said by Joseph Lowery and Communist sympathizer Jimmy Carter and pointed out that Coretta Scott King did support several modern liberal causes, he did however admit that some of their words were uncalled for at such a form. After hearing this from Silverman I don't think I need to hear the Sith Lord of Talk Radio defend this, cause Darth Fargo is nothing but a puppet of his wife Darth Pysic.
Roger Hitchcock of San Diego News/Talk Powerhouse KOGO and Sub Host Number 1 for The Godfather (Rush Limbaugh) filled in today, and told us that Barack Obama was moving slightly away from the "Democrat Plantation" that "Dingy" Harry Reed had to step in and make sure that he was kept in line.
Want to know more about this guy with the Cool Name but Bad Politics??? Click here for a profile from Discover The Network. They show that Barack Obama might be the happy guy but no different than Jackson, Sharpton, or Lowery.
Being Black and Right does not make you White, not does being White and Left Makes you Black. NO Bill Clinton is NOT THE FRIST BLACK PRESIDENT!!!! Just another power hungry Dems exploting minorties just to get their votes.
Click here for Comments from MY FAVORATE TALK SHOW HOST Neal Boortz
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