This thing with Terri Schiavo
This has been on the front burner for quite some time.
Terri's parents Robert & Mary Schindler believes that her husband Michael Schiavo wants to kill Terri so that he can marry Jodi Centonze and for the record they have been seeing and doing each other since 1995. Need I remind you people that Centonze give birth to two kids that Michael fathered. Because of that Robert and Mary will sure use that to make Michael the bad guy.
I go on and on about how he wants Terri's money and property, but let’s face it Terri is not a rich woman and neither are her parents, but yet they will do anything to keep Terri alive.
As of now I have very mixed feelings about this. Libertarian Neal Boortz finally addressed this issue on his radio talk show this week (if he did talk about this sometime in the past I don't know about it). Boortz believes that Terri really wants to die and that Michael is not the bad guy that Terri's parents make him out to be.
I have become more supportive of a person's "right to die," or euthanasia. Its critics say that if it becomes legalized then it is likely that those "unfit" to live may be encouraged to die and eventually may be required to die. Yes certain people do find enjoyment in killing people that have not harm a person out of malice, but that should not be used to justify in making euthanasia illegal.
The one thing that needs to be done is that if someone wants to have the plug pulled or whatever is to put that wish into their living will. That way it blocks certain quakes like Jack K. from killing people that have decided to back out but was not given that chance.
Meanwhile Pro-Lifers especially those in the Catholic Church still cling to their God it comes to their opposition regarding someone’s right to die.
Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace had this to say regarding Terri's case.
"I would like to remind everyone in this connection, about all that the Holy Father has said in past days to the Pontifical Academy for Life, confirming that the quality of life is not interpreted as economic success, beauty and physical pleasure, but consists in the supreme dignity of the creature made in the image and likeness of God."
Martino says that no one can be arbiter of life expect for God. No surprise here. Yet they still can't keep their house in order.
Yet another question if God can take away life, then how do we humans do so well in prolonging it? Yes we are living longer in the new century.
Boortz has convinced me until proven beyond reasonable doubt that Michael may want to do what is best for his wife. He could have filled for no-fault divorce and moved on with Centonze. Divorce would give the power to Terri's parents and this "fight for Terri" would have never taken place.
You might dislike me for what I have said, but I made you think a little harder about the issue. In that case I did my job.