This following Post comes from KSFO-AM radio personality Melanie Morgan, and she has started a movement to Censure Former President Jimmy Carter. Reagan may have kicked him out of the office but he is still doing global damage and in the process hurting this country. He will not return to the Peanut Farm where he truly belongs. Now here is Miss Morgan.Just when you thought Jimmy Carter couldn't sink any lower, he has hit a new low.
In a newspaper OpEd piece published this weekend, former President Jimmy Carter has pathetically attacked the United States and defended the terrorist group, Hamas. Carter says we have engaged in a "crime" in our tough stance against these terrorists and he calls America to task.
Please realize that Hamas is the most deadly and bloodthirsty Palestinian terrorist group in the world.
You should read Jimmy Carter's OpEd that was published over the weekend. It will help you to understand just why it is that we have launched the
"Censure Jimmy Carter" campaign . When a former President writes that America is wrong, and the terrorists are right, then he sends a message to the rest of the world that undermines the mission our men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces are serving in.
Read Carter's Op Ed:OK, so did you read his "OpEd" - do you now understand how dangerous and destructive an influence Jimmy Carter has become?
Should you have any doubts about the deadly nature of the terrorist group, Hamas, then maybe pictures will help set things straight for you. Here's a sampling of pictures of recent Hamas-led terrorist strikes.
NOTE: Some of these photographs are rather graphic, so please do not open them if you aren't sure whether you can cope with the honest, brutal images of what terrorist attacks can do to innocent people.
Terror 96Bus Bomb 2Hamas Slide ShowEnough is enough. We cannot allow Jimmy Carter to continue to hurt America and set back our war against terrorism. We cannot sit idly while he rallies the world to oppose U.S. policies in the fight against terrorism.
It is time once and for all for the Congress to issue a resolution of Censure against Jimmy Carter, condemning him for his shameful conduct and letting the rest of the world know that his views do not represent the thoughts and feelings of the American people.
Please, support our Censure Jimmy Carter campaign.