Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Mike Rosen talks about the fillbuster compromise in his piece this week.,1299,DRMN_86_3826195,00.html
Frank Salvato reminds us that compromise always (if not most of the time) Positions to the left.
Lee Duigon ponders if today's media (the unoffical arm of the Dems) had reported on WWII (Then again FDR was in office).
Bob Parks lets us know that HE is the one recording his audio commentaries and has no ties to any radio syndicators (YET!!!), and talks about the "10 Reasons Not to Kill Bush" piece and then some in his audio commentary this week. Got Windows Player???? It will play MP3 files.
To help refresh you memory. Here is the 10 Reasons Piece from Jennifer McBride
The Left Asks, Will We Ever Win Again? Byron York talks about it.
Four checks per household. Devvy Kidd says our government (Both the GOP and the Dems) are putting our children in financial bondage. As always good reading from the Kidd.
Charles Krauthammer reminds that even if you close Guantanamo Bay it will not solve anything if we still cuddle terrorists and do anything but "defend ourselves."
What if we don't win the war on terror??? Cliff May warns us that unlike Ho Chi Min these Islamo-Fascists will not bid by "Live and Let Live."
Pat Buchanan shares his thoughts on Mark "Deep Throat" Felt in his piece; "Completing the Watergate Picture."
Ben Stein has more thoughts about Felt
John Tabin says that Felt's mission to bring down Nixon was all about 'bureaucratic jealousy.'
Parks in this weeks audio commentary (see above) talks about the lefts love affair with appeasement. David Limbaugh too has some thoughts about it.
If it is one thing about the Dems, a handful of righty media outlets is too many. Jeff Jacoby has somethings to say about it. Now you wonder why the leftys want a "Fairness Doctrine." Its not about 'fairness', its about the left getting their media monopoly back, so that evil Republicans can be put in their place but heaven forbid it would never happen to holy saints of the Democratic Party.
Jonah Goldberg has thoughts about the EU in his piece "Brussels is Burning."
Ronald Bailey has a review on Michael Crichton's book "State of Fear."
Tonights Token Leftys are Robert Reich and Bill Press
Reich has his ideal to sofen the blow when the housing boom ends
Bill Press hopes for a modern day Deep Throat so that W. Bush can be ran out of office. Not going to happen. You friends and Dan & Mary tried but were caught lying. Oh well you can do talk radio once again Mr. Press
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