Friday Readings
Today's Comments from Neal Boortz
See how naive newbes in government can be as Mike Rosen points when the son of Roy Romer supports education reforms that the Unions just don't like.
You might be speaking in German if our media was the way it is now regarding Islamo Fascism back in World War II. Hal Lindsey talks about the recent mall shooting in Salt Lake City and how the media is denying any terrorist connection.
Joseph Farah talks about the alliance between the Democrats and Al-Qaida.
David Limbaugh looks at the media hype around Barack Obama.
Kevin McCullough talks about Hillary Clinton and how she treats the African-American community and compares Hillary cold personality to Barack Obama's charm.
Dick Morris thinks that Newt is on his way to make a run for the White House.
Should a Democrat take the White House in 2008?? Jonah Goldberg ponders that question.
Charles Krauthammer talks about the recent speech Russian President Vladimir Putin did which aimed his words aganist the United States. We have been accused of being a'hyper use of force.' This from a guy who wishes for the old Soviet Union years.