Saturday, February 19, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Ward Churchill reviewers include supporters. Man they love to pay this phony Indian

Churchill gets to speak in Hawaii

Churchill signs oath's to up hold two important documents. The Constitutions of Colorado and the United States.,1299,DRMN_15_3560922,00.html

Churchill still gets awards for his 9/11 statements

Could Condi Rice be the first VP??? Very likely

Mike Rosen shows how two faced the Dems are when it comes to Saddam and WMD's. Also says that leftys are stuck in a time warp i.e. protesting Vietnam.,1299,DRMN_86_3556425,00.html
Next time the Government lends a hand, you might want to say NO THANKS!!! Henry Lamb tells of one state that did just that.

I love this kid. He always questions what the "Pro-FocusOnTheFamilyReclamingAmericaMoralMajorty" is doing while making his stand for his Christian Faith. He saw the light quicker than Cal Thomas. Kyle Williams does it again in this piece.

Is Howard Dean going to be the end of the Dems??? Mark Alexander thinks so

Random thoughts from Robert Novak

Barbara Stock says the anti-war leftys are dummies when it comes to the Muslim Extremeists MUST READ!!!

Easton Jordan has supporters too. Token Lefty tonight is Jeremy Scahill who is one of the supporters of Jordan

E-Mail me links and they might be recomended readings too.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Tort Reform is going into law. Let us pray the courts don't step in.

Guess who wants EX-Fellons allowed to vote??? First name Hillary

NPR's Terri Gross hammers Lynne Cheney regarding her Gay Daughter. Gross can't let the issue go. Yet another reason why we need to defund public broadcasting.

Why Dems keep SS they way it is. Pete Du pont has the answers and more.

Movie reviewer and radio talk show host Michael Medved tells us why he spoiled "Million Dollar Baby."

Actress says conservatives are 'mocked' in Hollywood…and I though they were liberal because they feel sorry for those hard working actor/actress and everyone else that did not make it big.

Muslims killing Muslims??? Cliff May fills us in.

Did Bush make a mistake by using a year when Social Securty will crash and burn. Charles Krauthammer says yes.

Thomas Sowell talks about our "tanted media"

When local news does not report local politics...Be afraid...BE VERY AFRAID!!! This from Jonah Goldberg.

The first of two pieces by Gunny Bob Newman. In this one he calls Ward Churchill the Enemy of the State.

In this piece Newman talks about all the love he gets from leftys...NOT!!!

Joel Mowbray show us the Churchill money trail. Mainstream lefty groups give him money

In this weeks audio commentary by Bob Parks, he takes on Entertainment Machine. Especially the Academy Awards and the "Art Films." MP3 software required.

Dave Kopel shows us why the KKK loved Gun Control

Bill Press is tonight's token lefty. Defends Senate Fillbuster and Mr. Smith. Says their one in the same.

Got a piece you want to see on the blog??? E-Mail the link, I shall take a look, and If I think it's good enough (left or right). I shall link here on the blog.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I TOLD YOU THAT THE DEMS ARE PUSHING FOR A FAIRNESS DOCTRINE!!!! LOUISE THE RIPPER IS PART OF THE KABALL!!! When they want to hush Rush, Boortz, Savage, and the like you bet I get angry and I yell. Hopefuly the same thing will happen to Franken, Schultz, Hartman, Miller, and Lionel.

He would quallfy as a token lefty piece, but as a libertarian I side with lefty US Rep. Bernie Sanders regarding the so-called Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act. So he does not count this time around

CBS News is giving Dan Rather a going away party...sort off. They still think he is the Cat's Meow. Their must be a place in Hell for him and Uncle Walt.

Retuters take on Rather

Michael Crichton has long piece and says that E.T's are distorying our enviroment??? Its a long read if you dare.

Is the Class-Warefare Trump Card finally being put aside by the Dems? Larry Kudlow says they should.

Helle Dale talks about realtions between U.S. and Europe. They might want to get along with China screws up.

Ross Mackenzie has some quotes from well known leftys in the news media.

Alan Reynolds takes on the AARP for promoting Social Securty myths

Emmett Tyrrell also talk about Social Securty...and Bill Clinton

Maybe we should Call Churchill Crazy Horse...maybe a better name would be Crazy. Ann Coulter takes a swing at the Phony Indian.

Richard Brookhiser also gets a shot at Chruchill and says that their are checks and balances in higher learning.

Joseph Farah compares Churchill to Lt. Ilario Pantano. The later of which could be sentenced to death.

Marvin Olasky talks about tried and true immigrants

The welfare states LIVES!!! Larry Elder talks about it.

Neal Boortz tells about government hand outs to the farms...Something that Ed Schultz likes

Peggy Noonan has a piece called "The Blogs Must be Crazy." Hey we are not dumping Coke Bottles and "Magic Stuff" unless you want to call computers such things. The MSM just don't have a gripe anymore.

Margaret Krome wish for more people like Jim Jeffords. Who is Jeffords??? You have to find out as Krome is the tokey lefty tonight.

Got a piece to share??? E-Mail me the link

NHL & Unions

If you’re a fan of Pro Hockey, your probably going into withdraw, and College Hockey is the only way to get your fill.

For me and leveled headed thinking people, you ask yourself why we need Unions for professional athletics. After all its millionaires vs. billionaires, and we see how their strikes cost games, and even whole seasons.

The biggest losers in any of these strikes are the fans. Even if they athletics get what they want, it will be the fans who want to see their favorite teams. The admission costs will go up to prices that the working stiff can not afford, and you will see empty seats in these buildings were the sport teams play.

Now lets get down to the AFL-CIO type of unions. In Colorado their is still a possibility of a grocery strike and United Food and Commercial Workers union head are telling the workers to reject certain deals. It has been reported that Albertsons may close ALL of its stores in Colorado because of THEIR bottom line.

Leftys hate Wal-Mart because of their stance against unions here in America. In Canada a Wal-Mart store finally got unionized but it appears that the union made too many demands, and because of this Wal-Mart store is closing down in the spring. Why can Wal-Mart promice low prices. The answers are quite clear. It does not cave into Union demands. Don't like Wal-Mart? Go somewhere else, and be willing to pay more in the name of helping the "working folk" of America.

It has to be repeated time and again, that it is about supply and demand. In the case of the unions their demands are costly and must be passed on to somebody. The company does not pay for their demands. It is the customers that pay for the demands.

Unions are also famous for supporting the collective rather than the individual, but I shall save that for another post.

Comments about MY comments??? Sent me an E-Mail

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

A got a lot tonight

Mortimer B. Zuckerman of U.S. News & World Report says that someone needs to crack down on Hugo Chavez...The NEW Castro

Soros, Buffett Believe in Cable

America ruled by 'Men in Black' this story by World Net Daily about a book by Mark Levin that talks about our activist courts

The Godfather of Talk Radio had Mark Levin on his show today and offers a sales pitch (I doubt he is making money off of this) for Levin's book. He also wrote the forward.

Family of slain Christians speaks out. This was the family in New Jersey that the Old Media sweeped under the rug. I guess the media still cover for the extreme followers of Islam.

Pols Want to Ban Political Bias at Colleges,2933,147814,00.html

The Churchill saga goes on,1299,DRMN_15_3551573,00.html

This should make all the clean media air pruds/Christian & Jewish Right/Pro-Family (so-called) crowd in America happy. Indecency Fines
may go up from $32,500 to $500,000 for a company and $11,000 to $500,000 for a single person. Just don't tell me that this is helping taking back this country for God and Jesus.

Man when will those in Bush Gate at CBS News will remove themselves...Wished Dan Rather was put in his place along with them...Oh Well

Rich Lowry has some questions for the AARP and the Giveme generation

Blogs, Blogs, Blogs and we continue to make our charge...Brent Bozell talks about it, and why leftys like David Brock don't mind if lefty commentators like Helen Thomas and Ellen Ratner get pass when it comes to the Press Meetings Bush has

Kathleen Parker warns that in an age of Blogs, VIP's and the like better be careful of what they say. Their may be a blogger somewhere.

However certain leftys have done a good job of taking certain righty blogers and "reporters" out. Cliff Kincaid explains why the Old Media and leftys in general is doing what they can to protect their ground, even its mean being ruthless.

Michelle Malkin holds the UN to the fire when it comes to them getting sexual access to innocent people.

What is the sucker punch tax??? Terence Jeffrey tells all

Jonah Goldberg talks about the "bike patch" left

Even though the media and Dems don't like the "Draconian cuts in the budget" Tony Blankely says that the cuts don't go deep enough

Amir Taheri says the Arabs tyants are running scared.,,1072-1484686,00.html

CEO's of corporations cave in to Anti-Free Marketers day in and day out. Walter Williams says their will never be peace for these people.

Daniel Pipes says the hatred towards the Jews is evolving and cites four keys things since WWII

Floyd McKay says that Bush is distorying FDR's legacy and raging "class warefare." Yep its my token lefty piece.

Bonus Lefty Piece: Stephen Byers says Kyoto is not enough. By the way Kyoto goes into effect today. Thank goodness we are not a part of it, allthough Byers would disagree.

Why is Koyto is bad...I am going back to right and have Neal Boortz tell you. Rarely do I have a righty piece after leftys. I usally end with a token lefty piece...NOT THIS TIME SUCKA!!!

It is alot and who knows what I overlooked...E-Mail your links to pieces that you think should be on the blog.

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

A got a lot tonight

Mortimer B. Zuckerman of U.S. News & World Report says that someone needs to crack down on Hugo Chavez...The NEW Castro

Soros, Buffett Believe in Cable

America ruled by 'Men in Black' this story by World Net Daily about a book by Mark Levin that talks about our activist courts

The Godfather of Talk Radio had Mark Levin on his show today and offers a sales pitch (I doubt he is making money off of this) for Levin's book. He also wrote the forward.

Family of slain Christians speaks out. This was the family in New Jersey that the Old Media sweeped under the rug. I guess the media still cover for the extreme followers of Islam.

Pols Want to Ban Political Bias at Colleges,2933,147814,00.html

The Churchill saga goes on,1299,DRMN_15_3551573,00.html

This should make all the clean media air pruds/Christian & Jewish Right/Pro-Family (so-called) crowd in America happy. Indecency Fines
may go up from $32,500 to $500,000 for a company and $11,000 to $500,000 for a single person. Just don't tell me that this is helping taking back this country for God and Jesus.

Man when will those in Bush Gate at CBS News will remove themselves...Wished Dan Rather was put in his place along with them...Oh Well

Rich Lowry has some questions for the AARP and the Giveme generation

Blogs, Blogs, Blogs and we continue to make our charge...Brent Bozell talks about it, and why leftys like David Brock don't mind if lefty commentators like Helen Thomas and Ellen Ratner get pass when it comes to the Press Meetings Bush has

Kathleen Parker warns that in an age of Blogs, VIP's and the like better be careful of what they say. Their may be a blogger somewhere.

However certain leftys have done a good job of taking certain righty blogers and "reporters" out. Cliff Kincaid explains why the Old Media and leftys in general is doing what they can to protect their ground, even its mean being ruthless.

Michelle Malkin holds the UN to the fire when it comes to them getting sexual access to innocent people.

What is the sucker punch tax??? Terence Jeffrey tells all

Jonah Goldberg talks about the "bike patch" left

Even though the media and Dems don't like the "Draconian cuts in the budget" Tony Blankely says that the cuts don't go deep enough

Amir Taheri says the Arabs tyants are running scared.,,1072-1484686,00.html

CEO's of corporations cave in to Anti-Free Marketers day in and day out. Walter Williams says their will never be peace for these people.

Daniel Pipes says the hatred towards the Jews is evolving and cites four keys things since WWII

Floyd McKay says that Bush is distorying FDR's legacy and raging "class warefare." Yep its my token lefty piece.

Bonus Lefty Piece: Stephen Byers says Kyoto is not enough. By the way Kyoto goes into effect today. Thank goodness we are not a part of it, allthough Byers would disagree.

Why is Koyto is bad...I am going back to right and have Neal Boortz tell you. Rarely do I have a righty piece after leftys. I usally end with a token lefty piece...NOT THIS TIME SUCKA!!!

It is alot and who knows what I overlooked...E-Mail your links to pieces that you think should be on the blog.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

I am doing this a little early. I will try to presuade my friends not to go to the movie. We shall get out late if we do.

Also more important things than Rush Limbaugh finalizing his divorse. Rush if your reading this, my heart goes out to ya. Maybe you need a little coaching from Tom Leykis...if he is willing to do it.

Are the Dems listening to the "value vote?" David Limbaugh says yes...but with a grain of salt.

John Hinderaker has a piece that gives us what James Watt really said regarding our MOTHER EARTH!!! NO you leftys Watt did not say "distory the Earth Christ is comming" or whatever.

Hispanic Mothers must learn good English or kiss your children goodbye...GOOD!!!

The editor of Slate would shaft Eason Jordan

Neal Boortz shows Jordan's past sins

How moral problems become public policy. Star Parker talks about it.

How to break free from tax eating Granny??? Amity Shlaes has a great piece about the seniors who get dupped by the Dems and leftys regarding Social Securty.

Gary Aldrich as a MUST READ!!! This is an regards to Job Securty when it comes to tenured professors at our places of higher learning.

If Women want to act like Men, then mean it and don't complain about it. Now here is a piece from anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly. I don't agree with everything Schlafly says. but these feminists need to pratice what they preach. However those like Patrica Heaton (Everybody Love Raymond) can find the right balance.

Time to drop the charges aganist Lt. Pantano and shaft those who accuse him. Joseph Farah explains why that should be done.
"... And Those I kill are themselves Killers" Roger Moore as James Bond 007--"The Man With the Golden Gun" That quote is ment to be for food for thought people.

Mychal Massie says that Black History month as become another way to drive a wedge between them and us Whities.

You rightys better take this guy seriously. Even if he takes money from the Dems (not nesscary the party itself), Ed Schultz is likely to become a tour de force when it comes to REgressive talk radio. Since it comes from Newsweek take it through your personal filter.

The Token Lefty Piece is from Laura Flanders: Teens and Kids are on Bush's hitlist

If you have a piece worthy for my blog (Left or Right) send me your links via E-Mail

Monday, February 14, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

No Hockey this year people...Lets move on.

Ward Churchill canceled again...could it be for good???

Churchill a copy cat when it comes to his writings

Poll: Israelis favor booting Palestinians But survey company refuses to release results

How Syria fooled U.S. on terror cooperation

Alan Keys disowns daughter for coming out as a lesbian. Full of Christian Love Mr. Keys? He is full of IT ALL RIGHT, and its not love. At least Dick Cheney has more "Christian Love" than you do. Give Bob Enyart my regards Mr Keys.

Frist says he has the vote to change the fillbuster rules. USE IT cause the Dems will not back down. They want more leftys in the courts

Joseph Farah talks about Easton Jordan

Vox Day says the blogs will not replace the Legacy Media (NYTNBCCBSABCCNN) but we bloggers are going to "let the pillaging begin!" Soon and very soon. vs. Eason Jordan. This from Michelle Malkin

Michael Barone also something to say about the blogs.

Mark Steyn says we are losing on the culture front...It could kill us. This is NO Reclam America for Jesus piece by the way, and a MUST READ!!!!

John Leo asks what Alex Baldwin and company will find in the Great White North

Rich Tucker tells us that Baldwin and company are FULL OF IT!!!

Jeff Jacoby has a great piece on Social Securty...Good Read

Jack Kelly gives a list regarding the failures of the old media

"Ward Churchill Has Rights, and He’s Right." Whatever!!!! Token Lefty Tonight is Robert Jensen

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don

Dan Lips tells that if you work for the government, then you have a personal account. Now why can't the rest of us have the same thing???

Want your children to be Pit Bulls rather than Poodles??? Doug Gilies will tell you how.

Bob Parks tells us of a 17 year old arab who flunked his poli-sci class. Why because his prof. is a left wing idiot. MUST READ!!!

The Heniz Lady drops the name of her husband.

Wendy McElory says that parents are fighting back when it comes to ZERO tolerance.,2933,146798,00.html

Token Lefty Tonight is Namoi Klein: "Getting the Purple Finger."

Bonus Lefty piece from Matthew Rothschild: More support for Ward Churchill

ANOTHER BONUS LEFTY PIECE: Steve Rendall like many leftys want the Fairness Doctine back. Makes a very good case for its return I have to admit.

Come join in on the fun. Send me a link to a piece you think should be linked here on my blog.

Would Ward Churchill be off the hook if it were not for Talk Radio and Bloggers???

This is just my take on this, but I say yes. Ward Churchill would not be in trouble the way he is now.

No one would question if Churchill was really an Indian...excuse me a Native America. Feel better all you brainwashed idiots?

Nor would this Churchill story be sure a "burn out" to all of us, including those who broke it and followed it.

This Churchill flap is proving all along how lefty professors in higher learning (and even teachers at the elementary and secondary levels) use their positions to convert students into their socialist ways. It also gives a black eye to colleges and universities that receive tax dollars/government money, proving once again that the left really enjoys spending other peoples money and spiting in their face when it comes to values that the working stiff have...unless those working stiff truly believe that the leftys have the best interest at heart as lefty radio talker Ed Schultz claims they do.

If CU-Boulder keeps Churchill, then it shows in spite of what has happened that CU has an agenda that is not productive and rightys will call for the defunding of CU and make it go private. However CU will have to face the wrath of Churchill if he gets the shaft, but it would show to the rest of us that "academic freedom" does have limits for those that CU would be in agreement with him.

The real losers in this flap are public funded colleges and universites.

Comments about my comments??? E-Mail me at