Excommunicated for being a Democrat
Before I get into the details I just want to say that I am no fan of the Democratic Party and what they stand for. As someone that believes in freedom of the individual, and limited government based on what our founders intended I see the vision of the Dems contrary to this.
With that said, if your were a Democrat that was a member of East Waynesville Baptist Church, it is a whole new world for ya. Its senior pastor, Rev. Chan Chandler has kicked anyone assocated with the Democratic Party. Nine members of EWBC have been barred from the church for their refusal to support President George W. Bush.
As one member said; "[Chandler] told us that if we didn't support George Bush we needed to resign our position and get out, or go to the altar and repent, and support George Bush."
Other member said; "He says if we supported John Kerry, we have supported abortion and homosexuality."
Granted the Dems are not very loyal to conservative religionists on many issues including "Social Issues." I should state right now that I am not a social issues conservative, and many of issues in this category I find myself in disagreement with "people of faith." I do support Bush when he supports my issues (I voted for him twice), and their are things that Bush does that I don't like. I might also be one of those people that is likely to clash with Chandler. I support a woman's right to choose and I am not really unconfortable with homosexuals.
This is really going to help the cause of the 'Vampire' Freethinker types who can't stand any public displays of religion as they do in the name of "Separation of Church and State" and "Freedom from Religion." This issue regarding EWBC is a two edge sword, or since we are in Star Wars mood I could say a two bladed Lightsaber (Think Darth Maul from Episode I - The Phantom Menace).
On one side you have something called "freedom of assocation." This church can and should be able to deny membership to whoever does not agree with them on certain rules and doctrine...even in public policy. On the flip side the lawyers might be able to stick to this anti-Democrat pastor for kicking out members who are supporters of the Democratic Party. Funny how the Southren Baptist Convention never did anything regarding William Jefferson Clinton, but that's other post.
If it were not for Lyndon B. Johnson, this story would mean nothing. LBJ as a Senator created a law which was passed by our government that forced pastors and other spritual leaders to not talk about a politician’s character or voting record. However if the Church or other place of worship resended their tax exemption and began to pay property taxes then they could go after anyone they like.
Christian activist and Pastor D. James Kennedy has launched a crusade to repeal LBJ's dreaded law so that a church can have their cake and eat it too. Keep the tax exemption and be able to call Mr. Smith and/or Miss Smith in DC a Pagan scum bag that hates the Man/Woman type of family, or is a child killer (think anti-abortion), or whatever.
Events like the one at East Waynesville Baptist Church should show us all why our founders did not want a "State Church." Who knows what someone like Chandler could do if he had some power within our government. People like that would pass unnesscary laws (Blue Laws that would force private business to be closed on certain days, keeping brain dead people alive, and forcing a Church Tax on the people to name a few) and feel that their dominance over a people via public policy would be seen as an Evangelism tool. Keep in mind that Kennedy is famous for the catch phrase "Reclaiming America for Christ." Part of that agenda to reclaim our country for Jesus includes inacting public policy they feel that will help their cause.
Let me tell you one thing Kennedy and others that are like minded(should you come across this) . I can't speak for Jesus on many things, but one thing I can tell is that Jesus does not want anything to do with the American government.
Let me take one step up for ya. He did not want anything to do with ANY governments on Earth. If he did then he would have not been betrayed, arrested, and eventually put to death on a cross. The Jews wanted a 'Earthly Savior' and Jesus did not come though for them.
Just one question: What if a liberal church kicked out people for supporting Republicans??? Nahh it will never happen, and if it does you shall never know. That should show you that the mainline media is still an unofficial arm of the Democrat National Committee.
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