Saturday, May 27, 2006

The 2005-06 Season Results

Just saw a piece in my local paper in which a media reporter from the Dallas Morning News giving the stats. His name is Ed Bark but I am not going to point out his opinions.

Number 1 with Total Viewers and 25-54 years olds. Number 3 with 18-49 and 18-34. CBS has been doing well with this thing called the "Crime Drama." Three CSI's plus an NCIS, losts of 'Criminal Minds,' and people missing 'Without A Trace.' Lets not forget lots of 'Cold Cases' and lots of 'Numb3r' crunching too. Six out of ten freshmen shows will return, and that includes the Court Room Drama 'Close to Home,' and the midseason milltary drama 'The Unit.' CBS did a great job on counter programing on Tuesdays with NCIS and The Unit, espcially NCIS which shares the time with 'American Karaoke.' CBS in spite of having shows that lean young still is the network for the older audience. Speaking of American Karaoke.

Number 3 with Total Viewers and 25-54. Number one with 18-49 and 18-34. Yep 'American Karaoke' really helps and look how it helped '24,' 'House,' and to a lesser degree 'Bones.' The game/reality show 'Unan1mous' also benefited from 'Karaoke.' However one show was able to get a audience without ANY help from that beloved singing contest. That show was 'Prison Break' and coming this fall FOX will try to create new hits hopfuly for their sake that can stand on their own but believe me that House and 24 can hold their own now.

Number 2 with Total Viewers, 25-54, 18-49, 18-34. The Rose Bowl, and Super Bowl helped this year in spite of Alphabet/Mouse Network losing Monday Night Football. The Super Bowl really boosted Sophmore drama 'Grey's Anatomy' and thinks it can cut into CSI now. 'Dancing with the Stars' proved it can work during the regular TV season with its second series. Still ABC could not build on new shows these season with only two out of 13 freeshmen show returning this fall. Yes 'Maddam President' got mucked with, and it might pull a Police Squad/Naked Gun on us soon, and that might give this beloved concept the last laugh.

Poor Peacock, in spite of hits like 'My Name is Earl' and 'Deal or No Deal' they are in 4th place with Total Viewers, 25-54, 18-49, 18-34. Will & Grace and West Wing have been retired, and I am hoping that 'The Office' can make it pased 100 episodes (it needs a total of six seasons to do that and 22 episodes in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth seasons). One thing that might help NBC is NFL Sunday Night Football and John Maden is going to be a part of it. Maybe one night DoND is not so bad. It will get squezed by CBS and ABC for sure this fall on Thursday nights. But hey isn't that want you elites in media want??? They want to protect their new SCRIPTED SHOWS and give them a chance to live. But can they live???

We shall see people, we shall see.

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Saturday Readings

Pat Boone has his say on the Ditzy Twits and scorns the media for not only conforting the Twitzs but linking information regarding Abu Ghraib. He also tells us about a woman named Tokyo Rose.

Melanie Morgan has a great Memorial Day weekend piece.

Henry Lamb says those who oppose drilling in ANWR have proven themselves to be lousy debaters. He also shows that those who oppose ANWR just want the Government to control the market when it comes to energy.

Thomas Borelli tell us about banks getting involved in something called Equator Principles, which is making unholly alliances with those who oppose the free market to began with.

Friday, May 26, 2006

CBS Wins the 2005-06 Seasons but ABC and FOX are Pecking Away

ABC gains can be thanked by 'Dancing with the Stars,' 'Grey's Anatomy,' and the Rose Bowl and Super Bowl. Next year expect Grey to give CSI a run for the money.

FOX's win overall is because of 'American Karaoke,' and gains in House (which benfits big time from American Karaoke), and 24's fifth season made gains and I think outproformed Season four.

Story from zap2it

Friday Readings

John Murtha says American Deliberately Killed Innocent Civilians in WWII. Look like Murtha is appealing to his Socialist base if anything at all.

Radio talk show host Mark Larson decries the way the media reports on the war.

Today's Comments from Neal Boortz. A consumer group wants to ban SUV ads, Mexican Invaders allready on our soil will get amnesty, White House caves in on House Papers, and George Galloway.

If their is one thing that the United Nations wants is somekind of tax. Sally McNamara writes a great piece regarding this.

Several pieces regarding the William Jefferson raid. We began with William F. Buckley and says their is nothing wrong about searching a congressman's office.

Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert says the raid is wrong and wrote his piece for USA Today.

Is Congress crying wolf regarding 'Seperation of Powers??? David Limbaugh talks about it.

Jonah Goldberg talks about Al Gore who says he has not changed but the day has.

George W. Bush is down in the polls and the left looks for blood. Mike Rosen points out that Bill Clinton was lucky and reaped the actions made by Ronald Reagan.

Iran wants to talk to us. Charles Krauthammer says no way unless...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

NBC Makes Changes to its Fall Lineup

'Deal or No Deal' will now have to deal with Grey and CSI on Thursday nights (but will still have a Monday airing) and 'Medium' will move to Sunday nights after the NFL Season. Crossing Jordan will kick off Fridays this fall, and the ORGINAL Law & Order will compete with CBS's 'Numb3rs.' Meanwhile both L&O spinoff shows will both air on Tuesday nights.

Can NBC compete with these changes????

Story from

The Prime Time Grid

Thursday Readings

Taylor Hicks won this years 'American Karaoke' contest, but I am not linking any stories. Just making note of it. I'll will mechion the winner every year since you zombies love this show too much. Maybe next year you will not care as much.

At least thousands of people in the Atlanta area went to the Fairtax Rally in spite of the season finales of Karaoke and even 'Lost.' Plus comments comments about the Fred Phelps clan, more on William Jefferson and John Murtha declares 12 Marines Guilty. All this from the Talkmaster.

Everybody thought Saddam had WMD's just about. Larry Elder reminds us of this. Looks like the Democrats are back to their old ways.

Matt Drudge calls Al Gore's bluff when it comes to his favorate issue. What can I tell you. It is all about heavy and strict regulation. Do as I say not what I do. Spoken like a true socialist.

Ann Couter introduces us to Jean Rohe. She did not like Johnny McCain speaking at her school, and she like many other "anti-war" protesters go after Johnny for the wrong reasons.

George Will presents us with a very VERY Good Ideal. Ending Bilingual Ballots. Its about time, cause the Mexican Invasion is underway. Our Attorney General however is turn his head.

Their Baaaaaaaaack. Bob and Mary Schindler that is. Now they are saying their was a Drug that could have saved their beloved daughter Terri. OK you two and your family wrote a book. Terri is gone, now quit your denial and accept the fact that Teri died a long time ago.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday Readings

If you live in Atlanta please attend the Fair Tax Rally, Boston College adjunct professor named Steve Almond, Ditzy Twits, Amnsty Bill. Hereeeeeeeeeees Neal (Boortz).

Brent Bozell also has something to say about the Ditzy Twits and how the media at large is covering it. Natalie and her unrelated sisters got the audience they truly and really wanted.

John Sheperson is truly a hero but his reward is time in Jail. It appears you can't make money when it comes to helping others. You must get not one penny. John Stossel talks about this.

Not another anti-soldier? Michelle Malkin however debunks his creditincals.

"Click it Ticket." You very likley heard of this, and Walter Williams takes on this Nannyist Campigan.

The author of "Unfit for Command" says the Dems could win this year according to interview he did with KHOW-AM's Peter Boyles. Ben Shapiro says why the Dems WILL NOT win BIG this year.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tuesday Readings

'Not Ready To Make Nice?' It seems we hear the Ditzie Twits loud and clear, and still they not getting the radio airplay. Don't blame the programers, blame yourself especially your leader Natalie Maines and her Big Fat Mouth.

David Limbaugh calls Tim Russert's bluff when it comes to the anti-war propaganda of the MSM at large.

The Anti-Feminist is not buying Bush's speech from last week regarding the Mexican Invasion.

The death of politcal ideology. One can hope. Cal Thomas talks about how we the people how become disoriented and disgusted with the quest for power.

Dennis Prager talks about Harry Reed's recent remarks regarding the Mexican Invasion and how that might end the liberalism Ram on America He also shows why young people are 'liberal' in nature. Hint: It is an Easy way out (no need to think).

As the current TV season comes a close Mike Rosen talks about the prevailing liberal thought on TV.

The Fifth Season Finale of 24, Madonna's Jesus Christ Pose, Willam Jefferson cries fowl, No Price Couging at the Pump, and Veterans ID Thieft. Neal Boortz has things to say about it. Don't worry Boortz does not spoil the cliffhanger which wraps up the fifth season. Lets just say its something that he did in Season Four. Figured It Out Yet???

Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday Readings

And we stair at Madonna in her 'Jesus Christ Pose.' Can someone tell Madonna that Soundgarden did that years ago? A woman on a cross that is.

It seems that the Dems did not want Ray Nagin back in power so says Matt Drudge. Too bad Howard Dean.

The Ditzy Twits have not only dissed Bush but the core Pop Country audience. Well ladies I hope your head monkey (Natalie Maines) knows what she is doing. We always knew that she was a Woof Woof. Story from FOX News, and the song appears true that Maines and her lapdogs are 'not ready to make nice.' I am sure your actions over the years won the hearts of many that have a 'Progressive' Taste in music as well public policy. The rest of us see as Socialists, and I hate socialists with a passion.

If you watched Clinton's Sunday Morning Monkey yestersday, one of his 'friends' said Nixon was better than Bush. Yes Clinton can never do wrong...maybe Hillary can do wrong.

Kerry Fip-Flops again. This time it in regard to a fence, but not just any ole fence.

Conservative speakers unwelcome on commencement day. John Leo talks about it.

If You Live in Atlanta try to make time for the 'Fairtax Rally' plus other comments from Neal Boortz.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday's Readings

Peter Beinart says that liberals and ONLY liberals Can Win the War on terror. George Will talks about Beninart's new book regarding that statement. Check it out cause Beinart has a different deffention than those who call themselves "Progressive."

The GLBT really does not do themselves any favors when they support certain bills like the one that Sheila Kuehl came up with. Deb Saunders says we need more education and less political indoctrination.

Ray Nagin still the Mayor of New Orleans

Just keep telling people that their victims and use the term "Chocolate City," and you can barely buy enough votes to keep your rear behind the Mayor's seat or whatever.

Story from AP/Newsmax