After Live 8Yesterday the world largest concert took place. It was another project spearheaded by Bob "I Don't Like Mondays" Geldof. All of these concerts did not cost a penny and those who were able to go were either the real activists and/or people who just wanted to see a show when most of the time they could not afford the high ticket pieces that BOTH the ticket outlets and performers charge.
The message behind this event was to promote awareness for the "debt" in Africa, and on the leaders of the G-8 nations to help out in helping pay off the debt in Africa and fighting the poverty its respected nations face everyday. As you may know, in a few days the leaders from the G-8 nations will have their big meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland.
To me the overall message is for our G-8 leaders is to have their respected governments send more money ($25 Billion is what Geldof wants set aside) to Africa and hitting the serfs (people like you and me) will be footing the bill. Don't get me wrong, Africa does have issues but having the superpowers of the world throw money to these nations will not solve it's problems in the long run.
What should be encouraged in Africa is the promotion of a free market economy with limited and resonable regulation. Also private charities can also help out in paying off the debt and helping those who are in most of need.
The biggest danger however when it comes to charity overall, the question asked is where does that money go? Will it go to those who really needed or will someone well off be able to grab the money and run, like they have in the past. This is VERY important because we have not learned the lessons from similar events in the past. Remember Band Aid (Do They Know Its Christmas?), U.S.A. for Africa (We Are the World), and the 1985 Live Aid concert which was the inspiration of this years Live 8 concert. More times than not the moneys through these project went to the WRONG people.
I am not saying that you should NOT give to those in need because you should. Just be sure to give to a charity you know you can trust and will forward that money to those you want to see helped.
Live 8 is great for those who want to see a free show, and more likely than not this G-8 summit is likely to fly over most people's heads. On top of that I would like to see the artists who took part in this to give of their money and time to help out the African people. Some may be busy but many others have too much time on their hands. Those who have the time should come out of their comfort zones and take a leap of faith to show they say what they mean. David Gillmor of Pink Floyd fame, this would be great time to bond with Roger Waters again.
Good-Bye Sandra and the fate of Abortion RightsThe first female on the highest court in the land has decided to step down, and both sides are gearing up for a fight on who will take her place. This may be an omen for things to come. Make no mistake; Sandra was a swinger and most of time she went to the left, although in some issues such as property rights she judged correctly.
I caught a bit of the CBS's talking head program "Face The Nation" in which the issue is being raise from the heads of People for the American (really Socialist) Way, and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) which specializes in the rights of religious people especially those who hold to the Christian faith.
Personally I wished they would have brought someone from Cato or another group and/or think tank of a libertarian bent that could defend the ideal of having a Constitutionalist judge sitting on the bench. To me that would bring better creditability than the ACLJ who is beyond a shadow of a doubt a part of the Christian Right.
The President of the United States should be able to nominate any qualified judge for the federal courts in the land, and the Congress should return the favor by voting Yea or Nay on these candidates. The Republicans who compromised with the Democrats are about to learn a lesson when these Dems begin to filibuster candidates they don't fit with their agenda....AGAIN!!!
While I don't want more judges that will restrict free speech and take Individual Liberties away, I am also concerned that a judge may also try to allow the government to restrict a woman's right to choose by overturning Roe vs. Wade.
Now level headed Conservatives like Mike Rosen who does a local radio talk show out of Denver (and just about every piece he has written gets linked here) supports a woman's right to choose but yet would support overturning Roe vs. Wade in name of supporting the rights of the States to make the decision to restrict women's access to abortion. Although I respect his stance I can't support him. You see if Roe v. Wade did get overturned, then around 40 states would attempt to restrict abortion and I don't mean just late term and consent laws for minors. The overall goal of these so-called Pro-Lifers to is restrict abortion altogether. Make no mistake they will work very hard to make the goal of restricting on a woman's right to choose.
I agree with syndicated talk show host Neal Boortz in this matter and it seems from the E-Mail he gets regarding his Pro-Choice stand on abortion, it is mostly the men that want to see abortion restricted. Boortz believes that on 'reproductive rights' the human male has last area in which they can control the 'fairest sex.' Are there certain men out their that are so dumb to believe that once they are successful at impregnating a woman they now have nine months to control that woman when it comes to the child she is carrying? Seems that the answer to that is yes.
Don't know if Boortz heard from any women who went through the experience of being pregnant. For me they would have more creditability than a man who will never experience carrying children, or women that have yet to go through a pregnancy.
To all you Pro-Lifers/Anti-Abortion people out their. As much you want to see abortion stopped, you will never put a stop to it no matter how many laws you are able to pass, especially in the 1st trimester. You will only take us back to back alley and the 'Vera Drake' types who will perform abortions in secret. So you better go back to your crises pregnancy centers, and the like and fight abortion their.
That issue regarding Abortion Rights might come up again, along with many other issues that court shall face down the road.
Well that's what I have to say this time.
E-Mail me at if you have comments about my comments.
Enjoy your weekend, but please don't talk to me about Independence until you REALLY understand what it means.