The Democrats are claiming victory in Washington State. The governorship might go to Democrat Christine Gregorie over Republican Dino Rossi.
Prior to the hand recount Rossi won twice. The first count had Rossi winning by 261 votes. The first recount was Rossi again by 42 votes and that was a machine recount. Now the hand recount has come into play and Gregorie has won by ten votes (as of this posting).
It sounds like Hugh Hewitt is right. If the Dems are not close to winning an election they can't cheat, but they are close in Washington State and it now it seems that they can cheat. They claim that the 700 ballots were found in King Country. Let us remember that King County contains the city of Seattle and that the county itself is strongly Democratic. So they go with the Dems no matter what. Again big cites are full of leftys, and somehow people lose their individuality and become part of the herds a.ka. Group Think in the major cites.
There is another factor in play that the conservatives might be overlooking. That factor is the growing influence of the liberal radio talk shows that came on the radar early this year. The one that is leading the charge is not anyone on Air America Radio, although Rush Limbaugh basher Al Franken does come in second place along with former Miami radio talker Randi Rhodes in 3rd.
No THE ONE leading the Left-Wing Radio Air Force is a man from Fargo, ND. His name is Ed Schultz. Schultz who got a syndication deal with Jones Radio Networks (sister division Jones MediaAmerica is now handling the sales for AAR) can say proudly that he is the "Number One Progressive Talker," and he does on his website( I do have to question the left using the term PROgressive.
While AAR has about 41 stations (regardless if they carry all or one of the personalities on the network), Schultz has over 60 radio stations and is bragging that he got more affiliates in one year than Rush did.
This man from Fargo needs to watched "Very Carefully."
On one of Schultz's shows, a caller on the program sounded the rally call to give money to help give a green light to the hand recount in Washington. They barely made the deadline to have such a recount but these leftys did it. You can say that Schultz had a hand in these people to help raise the funds needed to have this hand recount. He used the power of talk radio to get the leftys fueled up to help the Dems claim the Washington State governorship. On today's show Schultz was patting himself on back for this "victory" in Washington State, but the fat lady may have not sung her final note just yet.
Rossi is not going down without a fight and the Dems would be much happier if he just back down and let Gregoire run the state.
To those nay sayers especially "you conservatives" that say liberal talk radio would fail, you better wise up and you better take them head on. One thing that has been going on in radio for quite sometime now is something called "Narrowcasting." Narrowcasting is defined in radio terms as certain radio station narrowing its scope and puts on a type of consistent program in order to keep a certain type of listeners listeners for a certain amount of time. In the case of "Progressive/Liberal Talk," these listeners are well-educated, poltically active, listens to NPR and keeps up on the issues so their you have your listener profile on who would listen to a commerical liberal talk station.
So with the help of the biggest radio company in the world Clear Channel (and some other well-known radio companies), they have signed on radio stations devoted to mostly liberal talkers. Clear Channel and then some think they can make money with these type of talk personalites.
Well they like to call themselves Progressive talkers. I think a better term for them would be REgressive because all they support is more government in our lives and wish to take this country towards a socialist state.
These radio stations have signed on in several key markets that are known to be liberal strongholds, and while two stations to my knowledge are getting ratings around 4 or 3 shares, these other REgressive talk stations are start to get some numbers and interest and it looks like liberal talk will work on radio stations that just only have personalities that call themselves liberal/progressive. It seems that it works better that way, the right and left with few exceptions can not co-exist on the same frequency.
Lovers of Freedom and Liberty, you must fight like you never have before. The old media may be on the way out but the REgresives have not. They too have their own blogs and they are making gains in talk radio. The left is acting just like the character Linus Van Pelt from the Peanuts comic strip. Linus always carries a blue "security blanket" around with him and at times sucks his thumb while taking comfort in his blanket. If anyone took that blanket away from Linus especially his sister Lucy he would overreact and thinks that he would die without the blanket.
The Democrats on the left act in very similar way to Linus, and their desperation to win the majority of a government branch anywhere in the country shows it. Should they gain the upper hand (state or federal levels) their security blanket will be their "power" and rather than sucking on their thumbs they will suck on our pocketbooks taking away from those who work and produce and giving it to those who don't produce(their are exceptions to the rule but more than not the rule is in play). They was also restrict your freedom while claiming there are for protecting you from harm, and that also includes taking away your right to keep and bare arms (Gun Control). They will also make sure that those nasty Republicans never get the upper hand and take away their security blanket every again. They act like babies, just like Linus.
Oh and one more thing the Dems are famous for making too many rules for you and me to follow. They always did love regulation for the sake of regulation. I shall save that for another post.