Tonight's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Neal Boortz talks about Ted Kennedy and his remarks regarding withdrawing our troops and Iraq and why it would be a bad ideal and other things
Andrew J. Coulson shows how kids in other countries do better THAN US!!! It is about government run education.
Jeff Jacoby has a piece in which he talks about his father and how he spent his time during WWII. It was in Auschwitz...Let us not forget people, so this is a MUST READ!!!
Is the GOP afraid of cutting back on Social Securty??!! This from Bruce Bartlett
Charles Krauthammer talks about the politics behind the vote regarding Condi Rice
Jonah Goldberg chimes in as well about Rice along with the fact that the Dems used the race card in the 1990's.
Is Hillary changing her spots??? Mona Charen gives us a heads up and we better watch this woman cause she can change her spots again.
Cliff May stands up for support of Taiwan being an independent nation apart from China MUST READ!!!
Thomas Friedman's foreign policy sandbox by David Limbaugh
Oliver North says that media is trying to convince us that Iraqi election will fail, but reality says otherwise
Mike Rosen says the 1st Amendment is being trash by Native American activists regarding their hatered of Chris Columbus.,1299,DRMN_86_3503884,00.html
Jerome Corsi continues his fight against Kerry
Michael Evans talks about Abbas (the new PLO leader) and his dark past and how the future is not going to be bright.
Token Lefty Piece this time from Bill Press, and he is looking for more righty commentators and see if they are taking tax money. I will have my say on this later.
If you have a piece that you want to see on the blog. E-Mail the link to me.