I want to devote this post to some of my favorite radio talk show hosts that I enjoy listening to. While you might thing it would be the two mouth pieces of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity think again. Yes Rush helped the AM band live a little longer Hannity is the second place talker, their is more to life than Rush and Sean.
Here are my favorite radio talkers in no particular order.
Neal Boortz: WSB-AM, Atlanta GA & Jones Radio Networks/Cox Radio Syndcation
Boortz is a real libertarain. Someone who believes in liberty in freedom and understands that the free market is what made America great and not its government. At the same time he puts the religious right in their place or any religion for that matter when they step across the line. He does not favor banning God, but he is making sure that someone's believe in God does not come up with a law becoming public policy unless its beneficial and can be backed up by common scense. You can stream the show by going to the shows website. Turn in he is really good and has been doing talk radio since the late 1960's. Went national in the late 1990's
Michael Savage: Talk Radio Network
This guy has or will become the 3rd most listened to radio talk show host in the country. While some my call this guy a faker (i.e. he is tearing down the GOP), this man calls it as he sees it. He is not affilated with any poltical party and calls a dirty skunk a dirty skunk. His drive and passion for Borders, Language, and American Culture is the cause he fights for on his talk program. However it is also takes a toll on Savage and even he admits it when he says he wants to talk about lighter subjects. I have somewhat of a feeling of what Michael Savage is all about cause I can relate to such people. I am not one of those people that hangs around crowds of just about any kind. Savage is no fake, he is real.
Mike Rosen: KOA-AM, Denver
Mike Rosen admits he is a Republican and plays their game (he says its going to be the Dems or Repubs). However he is not a social conservative and is not really religious. I used to dislike him for that but I have come around more/less to Rosen's thinking. Meanwhile a talk show host that competited with him a few years ago that I used to listen to got in trouble with the law. Rosen is still on and winning
Gunny Bob Newman: KHOW-AM & KOA-AM, Denver
He served our country via the Marines (thus the nickname Gunny) and provides some great insight in public policy and the milltary. Like Savage he is not owned by either party.
www.850koa.com/shows/newman.html &
Tom Leykis: Westwood One
If you can look beyond the shock value of Leykis you will see that he truly indeed gives the male perspective when it comes to relationships. Does Leykis come across as a sexist? You bet, but hey sometimes the women need to be put into their place and I mean that. The women have been bashing men for waaaaaaaay too long. Leykis puts them in their place for one. He also reminds men that being single is good and its better to get the sex than the ball and chain. Leykis is not for the kids, but Leykis does not have a bloaded ego like Howard Stern does. Also stand for certain libertarian ideals but his show is not too polticial and that's a good thing.
Jerry Doyle: Talk Radio Network
This is a man of trades. He played the game of Wall Street, then when to Hollywood to become a actor. His best known role was the character Michael Garibaldi on the 1990's science fiction series Babylon 5. He ran for congress in California as a Republican and lost. It also distroyed his acting career but he was getting burned out anyway. Doyle turned to talk radio, got signed by Talk Radio Network and has proven to be a popular personality. Doyle's evening talk program has been clearned on about 150 stations which includes Dallas-Fort Worth's WBAP-AM. Turn in and see why Doyle has a future in talk radio. Also calls a spade a spade as he sees it.
Lionel: WOR Radio Network
Thanks to the progressive talk radio stations that signed on this year Lionel is getting radio station clearence. While he does not come across as a kool-aid drinking Democrat, he still calls it as he sees it. I respect people that do that and not toe someones line.
Jon Caldara: KOA-AM, Denver
Caldara is the president of the Independence Institute in Colorado which is a free market public policy think tank.
Independence Institute website:
Honorable Mentions
Jim Rome: Premiere Radio Networks
I never got into sports talk until I tuned into Rome. When it comes to Rome he loves to smacktalk about certain sports personalites and calls them as he sees it. The callers step to the challange to equal or better VanSmack but like in the real world of sports they better be careful not to screw up or they are buzzed out literately. Rome will also Smacktalk about things other than sports. This is why Rome get listeners, and check him out on your local Sports Talk station. They don't have Rome? Call the 'Monkey' (Program Director) at the radio station and demand they do, but try to be nice. Have fun in the jungle.
Rush Limbaugh: Premiere Radio Networks
Yes he is the godfather of talk radio and you can't take that away from him. When the fairness doctrine was null and void Rush came on the air and made the AM band hip once again.
Matt Drudge: Premiere Radio Networks
I am greatful for his website of newslinks but still he can overhype stories and that is not good either. Nothing to do with the fact that he is stuck to just doing talk radio on Sundays.
Michael Medved: Salem Radio Networks
I have respect for him and I like his insight on the topics he deals with on his talk show especially the entertainment business. Don't always agree with Medved however.
Ed Schultz: Jones Radio Networks
If you call yourself a Progressive/Liberal Democrat, this man may be a great hope to your cause. Schultz does his talk program from the heartland of America. Fargo, North Dakota to be exact. With so much press about Air America Radio which is a radio network devoted to liberal/progressive talk (and most of the talkers are NOT radio broadcasters), Schultz is REALLY the one leading the charge when it comes to the Progressive Talk format but Air America and the Clear Channel company do help quite a lot. He was once a 'righty' but his new wife Wendy (who he likes to talk about on his show) converted him and now is a “…a gun-toting, meat-eating lefty.” However he drinks the Dems Kool-Aid big time. Contrary to his show's into (The New voice of Freedom and Liberty) he is a BIG GOVERNMENT advocate just like most Dems. I do not consider dependence on government as a way of being free. The one thing going for him is that he does NOT SCREEN his calls, plus he does not come across as a left wing bigot like many of the Air America people do including the radio broadcasters on that network (Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Laura Flanders). For many years Schultz did a local talk show on Fargo's KFGO-AM. Next week it becomes the flagship of his nationaly syndcated show.
Stephanie Miller: Jones Radio Networks
Another Progressive/Lefty talker. I had a chance to listen in to her today, and at her distrubtor's website it says she comes across in a way that gets the conservatives to listen in and give her the LOVE. I'll take Miller over Randi Rhodes anytime. Rhodes sounds like a bitter, angry, overgrown hippie radio DJ, and Rhodes did Rock radio. Miller stands her ground but can poke fun at everyone including herself (I hope).
Phil Hendrie: Premiere Radio Networks
With Gunny Bob and Jerry Doyle to listen to I don't listen to Hendrie as much. Still Hendrie is great escape from reality with his brand of talk radio. Hendire has created several characters that are frequent 'guests' on Hendire's show. He plays both host and guest, and even caller, but he does take REAL phone callers, and he does all LIVE!!! While it might get a little old, and still is fun to listen to. I take Hendrie over that cable show with Jon Stewart (The Daily Show). Man the youth don't know what they are missing. Hendire brings radio to its classic roots (theater of the mind) but with a soundtrack of hard rock and youthful energy. On before I forget; concerning Hendrie's characters. Should you see them out on the street someplace. Stay FAR FAR AWAY from them. They are idiots BIG TIME :)