Is The News Media WITH the Terrorists????
Days after we were attacked our President George W. Bush said in no uncertain terms regarding the sides that people would take.
"Your either with us or with the Terrorists."
What Bush really ment is that you are with the United States collectivlly and not nesscarly with him all the way. Sure their are things I disagree with Bush about regarding certain issues of the day but when it comes to the War on Terror, the War on ISLAMIC Terror, I support him big time.
Now we can debate on how Bush is handling this war and what he should and should not do especially with the recent desision handed down by the Supreme Court and this thing called "Checks and Balances" all day long, and I can respectfuly disagree with the likes of Neal Boortz regarding this.
Look I can accept the fact that news media is liberal in general, and does not understand the principles of basic economics while embracing a Socialist Utopia. We have a Free Press and with such a thing, they can hold a left leaning to Left Wing Bias all they want.
However when a News Media that is passionatly Democrat, passionatly hates Bush goes over the line big time when they publish National Security Secrets that are ment to track down the movement of terrorists. This is the part were Free Speech because UNabsoute.
Yea, Yea don't give me the Civil Liberties speech, go to the FISA Court and wait 72 Hours (thats 3 FULL DAYS for those who can't do the math) crap.
I am really starting to belive that these people in the media are wanting to pull off yet another Vietnam and then brag how they stop the war in Iraq like they did in Vietnam. However this time if they do pull this off, the killing fields will not be in Communist Asian countries but these fields might be here in our backyard. All because they want to screw George W. Bush and the Republican Party in General, empower the Democrats, and believe that the terrorists can be "reasoned" with.
Bush may not say this but I WILL!!!
Make all the excuses you want you losers, but you are on their side regardless if you truly know it or not.