Saturday Readings
Robert Novak's News roundup. Thoughts on Ned Lamont's friends etc.
William F. Buckley has his thoughts on the recent Democratic primary in Connecticut and Joe Lieberman. Don't expect a lot of support from we rightys Joe, even if your right about the Iraq War.
Comments about Joe from Billy O and says that those who voted for Ned Lamont have made a big mistake.
Douglas MacKinnon reminds us that the terrorists and then some are not going away anytime soon.
Who is Walter Duranty??? Joseph Farah answers that question and compares Duranty to CBS's Mike Wallace thanks to the recent interview that Wallace did with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. What can I say, our news media is in bed WITH the Terrorists and spits in the face of America.
Cal Thomas talks about the recent planned attack that was stopped by British Forces and says its time to go on Offense.
Socialism, Communism, Facism they are alive and well here in the United States as Henry Lamb explains, advocates for "Americanism."