It is ALL ABOUT Obstruction.
I was listening to one of clips at Darth Fargo's website ( and made his comment about how the fillibuster prevents our government from making big mistakes, a full airing of "all views" and preventing the "minority thought process" is not stonewalled.
OK if that is the case why is that we now have Ruth Bader Gingsburg on the bench? Why do we have Steven Breyer on the court. The Republicans could have fillbustered these people but they did not and they choose to vote up or down on these people and both got to sit on highest court in the land. They were chosen by Bill Clinton who many leftys consider to be the best President of the United States of all time.
Listening to Rush's show, he and his crack staff got some audio sound bite from Teddy Kennedy who made a statement proving why the Dems do what they do regarding their beloved fillibuster. They admited that the Courts were the area of government in which their agenda got made into law. I don't have to tell you what the courts ruled, but it was the only way that the left wing agenda got through. Blocking School Choice (trapping poor children in Government Schools), upholding Campigan Finance reform (which is a spit in the face of the First Amedment) are classic examples of laws that the courts have made up, upheld, or overrulled.
The left knows that if their lefty judges are replaced by judges that will respect our Consitution and the laws of the land, their FINISHED!!!
Saying that activist judges are not limited to just the left. Their are those on the right as well. Classic example was
Roy Moore , who used his post to shove the Ten Commandments down the throats of the people of Alabama. In fact he answed YES to all of these questions.
Was your purpose in putting the Ten Commandments monument in the Supreme Court rotunda to acknowledge GOD’s law and GOD’s sovereignty? Do you agree that the monument, the Ten Commandments monument, reflects the sovereignty of GOD over the affairs of men?
And the monument is also intended to acknowledge God’s overruling power over the affairs of men, would that be correct?
When you say “GOD” you mean GOD of the Holy Scripture? Wonder why our founders did not want a "state church." Look I don't use the term "Seperate of Church and State" as many freethinkers like to use cause unlike them I don't advocate banning cross and other religious symbols from government. What concerns me is when those in government try to "impose" their religious beliefs on the people. Unlike Bob Enyart I don't want a
theonomy impossed on us.
I think if you teach people to respect each other and encorage people to work hard think people will state to have an understanding about what this country. I don't think you need a God of somekind of be moral. Now if you need to relie on a higher power, I don't have a problem with it. Just be respectful and don't inflict your beliefs on strangers unless they allow you to do so.
Again I am glad that Alito is in, at least it makes the left nash their teeth. Let us hope it stays that way. Alito could turn left anytime. As long as he respects our laws and our Constitution that is what matters. If their are flaws let our leglatures and all levels of government correct those.