Today's Recommended Readings from The Blog According to Don
Well one you can listen to, and since their are not too many audio commentators yet, Bob Parks "Black & Right" audio commentary will be just a part of the "Recommended Readings" as everything else. Parks does commentaries in written form as well.
Neal McCluskey says the best way to end the Creation/Evoulation debate is to promote school choice and free enterprise in elementary and secondary education.
Samuel Blumenfeld talks about how Home Schoolers beat debaters from Oxford
Green activists' deceptive 'science' another MUST READ from Henry Lamb
Last year Clear Channel got on a format devoted to Progressive/Liberal Talk. Brian Maloney says not to believe the hype about the format's growth.
"Gunny Bob" Newman talks about the handful of Anti-Bush protesters that were covered by the media.
In his "Black & Right" audio commentary, Bob Parks talks about a post written in the democratic underground web site that said how we humans are distorying the Earth and how the Earth is fighting back. Tech is bad people...NOT!!! The post by the way is written by Youthful College aged idiot. Parks puts such idiots in their place, and tells college students that hating Bush will not make them any smarter. This one is good. MP3 software required, and Windows Media player has it.
Got a piece you want to see on the Blog...Give me an E-Mail and I always will take lefty pieces, cause they will never shut up.